
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION COLLEGIATE COURSE Pe rhaps never in the history of the Church has there been such an imperative need for efficient , trained Christian leadership, especially among young people. The inroads of the world have been inestimably great. But the gospel of Jesus Christ is still the " power of God u n to salvation" , and the sense of hunger for One who can sat isfy the heart and meet eve ry human need is increas ing , rather than decreasing, among the youth of the land. With this in mind , the Bible Institute has sought to enlarge its horizon , and now offers a four year course designed especially for leaders of youth . This course leads to the degree of Bachelor of Christian Education. A mi n imum of 124 u n its is required for graduation, of which one unit each semester is given for practical work. The ability to play 5 simple hymns is a graduation requirement Those qua lifying for this degree have found open doors of service as Directors of Young People 's work, Child Evange li sm, etc. in churches throughout the land.

Unit s of

Units of

Course Numbe r

Course Numb e r

Subje c t

Cre dit

Subj e c t

Credi t


See : General Course* (page 20 )


first s emester 205 Systematic Theology I

Sec ond semes ter Systematic Theology II

2 3 2 2 4 2

2 3 2

206 104 708

103 Synthesis III

Synthesis IV

707 Practice Teaching I

Practice Teaching II



302 Apologetics II



New Testament Greek

502 308

New Testament Greek Christian Psychology

4 2




Third YEAR

First semes ter 207 Systematic Theology III 303 Apologetics III 105 Analysis I 503 G reek Exegesis I 601 Public Speaking 709 S. S. Organization and Administration El ecti ve

Second semes ter Systematic Theology IV Apologetics IV Analysis Il Greek Exegesis II Homiletics I Daily Vacation Bible School Departmental Specialization Elective

2 2 2 2

2 2 3 2

208 304 106 504 602 711



2 3

2 2




Second semes ter

First semester 712 Curriculum Ma king 505 G reek Exegesis III 403 Church History I 713 Practicum 718 History Christian Education 715 Christian Leadership 108 Exposition II Elective

2 2 3 2 2 2 2 0

Greek Exegesis IV Church History II Practicum Adolescent Work Recreational Leadership Exposition III Elective

2 3

506 404 714 717 716 109


3 2 2

•The fi rst y e ar Ge n e ral Course is c ommon to all cou rses .

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