
Student Life

While students enter Biola with a serious purpose in view, they are none the less keenly interested in the activities of school life, which serve to counterbalance a program of work and s tudy , making it both enjoyable and wholesome for the all-round development of the individual.

ASSOCIATED STUDENT BODY The As sociated Student Body, of which all students are automatically members, exists for a threefold purpose: to foster the spirit of fellowship, to promote the interests and welfare of the students, and to direct student affairs. Each Friday morning the Student Body holds a short business and fellowship meeting in conjunction with student-led devotions. The second meeting of each month is designated as Praise and Stewardship Hour at which time the students present an offering. This united stewardship results in the support of the gospel tract ministry, the sending of the Gospel of John to college students, and a special project for each year.

Planning student body outings is a part of the work of the A.S.B. Typical examples of sponsored events are the semi-annual picnics and the annual Mount Baldy snow party. Also along the line of recrea­ tion, the Student Body sponsors a men's basketball team which is a member of the Los Angeles Church League. The League games are played al the down­ town Y.M.C.A. , and furnish not only physical exercise and relaxation, but also an opportunity for the highest type of clean sportsmanship. On Friday nights , members of the Biola family meet for "Home Night." Various representative groups plan the entertainment for one of these functions and vie with each other in displaying the recreational talents of that particular group. A short devotional period always climaxes the evening. As a means of testimony as well as uniting the student body, the students edit and publish a semi­

monthly newspaper, the BIOLA CHIMES, and a school yearbook, the BIOLAN. Both publica­ tions serve to picture school life; to interest young people in Biola; and to bring enjoyment to present and former students. Open House, occurring annually as a means of acquainting the friends of Biola with the details of the life of the school is a Student Body project. The Association also plans parties for special holidays, and concludes its program of social activities for the year with a Junior-Senior reception.

STUDENT MISSIONARY UNION Undoubtedly the point of highest interest in the week for many a Bible Institute student is the regular Wednesday evening meeting of the Student Missionary Union , an organiza­ tion which stimulates interest in the many fields of home and foreign missions. The primary purpose of the organization is that , through a knowledge of the world's need , the challenge

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