

Life in almost any dormitory is interesting, but at Biola , where all entrants must be Christian young people , this is especially true. Imagine living under one roof with hundreds of other young people all having a vital interest in the Lord 's work! Here one finds a fellowship both unique and satisfying. Living in close contact with one another, Biola students are given an opportunity to practice the fine art of living together, and to give expression lo Christian consideration and helpfulness. "Love one another" has a definite application . Morning and evening devotions are a daily source of strength and inspiration. Imme­ diately after breakfast. and again before evening study hours, the dormitory family meets for family worship. Corridor prayer meetings, in which the women students living in a single corridor, or those of an entire floor meet for intercessory prayer, are held on Tuesdays. Personal requests are presented, and many answers are experienced, as well as other blessings by all who Participate. Corridor meetings of men's groups meet at slated times according to their avail­ able lime. On the eighth floor of the dormitory is the students' Social Hall, where friends may gather in leisure hours. It is here that the ping-pong games are played and tournaments held for friendly rivalry and fun. It is here , also. that the evening devotions are held around the fireplace and where Home Night and special programs are enjoyed. The women's dor­ mitory also providesa smaller Parlor with a fully equipped kitchen for use of the women students.

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