
PHYSICAL EDUCATION In order to maintain the best physical fitness for school work, each student should spend at least two hours per week in outdoor exercise. The California State Law exempts from compulsion students over 25 years of age and married students . All other students are required to comply with this health provision. RECREATIONAL FACILITIES The nearness of city playgrounds makes possible group sports out of doors, and the Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. furnish opportunity for indoor exercise and organized games. A number of city parks have picnic equipment, and the beaches are within an hour's ride. Recreation combined with education may be found in trips to places of interest in the Los Angeles area, such as Exposition Park Museum, Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Griffith Observatory, Huntington Library, Mt. Wilson Observatory, the Palestine Ex­ hibit , and Southwest Museum. SUMMER SCHOOL A six-weeks Summer School from the middle of June to the end of July is con­ ducted each year. A maximum of 6 semester credits may be earned during the summer session to lighten the winter schedu le or to decrease the time in residence. Classes are taught by the regular Biola faculty. Dormitory accommodations are available for all students. BIBLE CORRESPONDENCE COURSES The Bible Institute of LosAngeles offers to men and women throughout the world the opportunity of obtaining a working knowledge of the Bible through its several comprehensive , systematic, and inexpensive courses. The courses, printed in loose-leaf form, making the lessons adaptable for indi­ vidual or class use, are designed for the purpose of causing the student to see for himself the clear teaching of the Word of God on the subjects studied. Several courses offer credit for residential study at the lnstitute 's Day School. Send for free Prospectus describing in detail all of our courses. Address : The Correspondence School. EVENING SCHOOL The Evening School meets the need of the Christian who finds Day School attend­ ance impossible . Sunday School workers, and all others who take seriously their most effective witness for Jesus Christ, find a valuable training here. The courses offered are a part of the Day School curriculum, and are taught by regular members of the Fcculty. Full Day School credit is allowed for each subject taken . Certain courses lead to the Evangelical Teacher Training Certificate. In response to popular demand for proper recognition of the work accomplished in the Evening School, a plan has been completed whereby a suitable diploma will be awarded for completion of the three-year course. Thi s course will consist of eighteen units of Bible subjects, ten units of Bible-related subjects and eight units of elective courses. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION The Alumni Ass ociation of the Bible Institute and Bible Theological Seminary of Los Angeles consists of all students who have been graduated from any of the courses offered. Its associate membership comprises all students who have been regularly enrolled for one or more semesters of study. The purpose of the Alumni Association is to preserve the spirit of Biola fellowship through the years, and to serve the Institute by advertising, by distribution of litera­ ture, and by the undertaking of such projects as require unified support. The business of the Association is carried on by officers elected at the annual Homecoming at Commencement time . The officers for the current year are: Ralph J. Colburn, '40, President ; Leslie Smith, '22, Vice President; Connie Versluys, '41 , Treasurer; Gladys Erickson, '34, Secretary.

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