
FOR WHOM INTENDED I. Men who are called of God into the min­ istry of His Word. 2. Men and women who are called of God to the foreign mission field. 3. High-school graduates who desire a more thorough knowledge of the English Bible and practical methods of aggressive Christian work before a college or university career. 4. Young people desiring to train for the educational work of the church; e.g., service as Pastor's Assistant, Director of Christian Ed­ ucation, and worker with children and young people.

5. Those preparing to work as evangelists, evangelistic singers, Sunday-school workers, church visitors, superintendents of city mis­ sions, and as leaders in other Christian insti- tutions. 6. Men already in the ministry and missionaries at home on furlough who feel the need of a more thorough and usable knowledge of the English Bib le. 7. Young men and young women who do not intend to give their whole time to definite forms of Christian service, but who desire a practical Bible and music training, that they may be more useful in their home churches. THE OBJECT OF THE INSTITUTE * * * To train men and women in thorough knowledge of the English Bible and its effec­ tive practical use in any form of Christian activity-this is the lnstitute's purpose. The Institute aims to send out men and women having at least these characteristics: I. Genuine and thorough consecration . 2. Christlike love for men and a desire for their salvation. 3. A comprehensive knowledge of the Word of God, wi th ability to use it in leading men to Christ, and wi th wisdom to teach i t to believers that they may grow in grace. 4. Untiring energy and willingness to "endure hardness," as good soldiers of Jesus Christ. 5. The ability to live and cooperate loyally with fellow Christians. 6. Enduement with power by the filling with the Holy Spirit.


* * * All applicants for admission to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles must be eighteen or more years of age, of at least one year's Christian experience, and well recommended by their re ferees. An entrance examination in Eng li sh is required. High-school graduates who fail to pass th is examination will be required to take English as a compulsory elective. Students who have no t finished high school, failing to pass this examination, will be required TOtake our English Course. This will extend their course one year. ADMISSION TO DEGREE COURSES-Those desiring to enroll in any of the degree courses must hold a four-year high-school diploma. A transcript of credits will be required.


1. REGULAR Those who have met full requirements for admission and who carry a prescribed schedule. 2. SPECIAL Those who wish, for satisfactory reasons, to take an elective course may be enrolled

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