
CURRICULUM * * * lt has been deemed advantageous to reduce the Institute curriculum to basic and elective subjects. The number of required hours for gradua­ tion in each course is listed below, the major portion being devoted to basic Bible subjects: Three-year courses-a minimum of 84 hours. Fou r- year degree courses-a minimum of 128 hours. Four-year missionary course-a minimum of I I2 hours.

Courses of Study

Three-Year Courses

Four-Year Courses






I. General Course: The program of study for the General Course is designed for those preparing for Christian service in the home field. lt is so arranged as to give the student a well-balanced schedule in Bible and related subjects. The work covers a period of three years, and leads to a diploma. II. Bible Collegiate Course: Much prayer and planning have been given to the s trengthening of this course for ministers and missionaries. In addition lo the required basic subjects, a study is made of the original Bible languages, in which the following work is required: Six semester hours of Hebrew language Eight semester hours of Greek language Four semester hours of Hebrew exegesis Eight semester hours of Greek exegesi s The basic study of Christian Doctrine is supplemented by two years' work in the field of Systematic Theology, and also by other subjects which are espec ially appropriate for full-time Christian workers. This course requires four years for completion, and leads to the degree of Bachelor of Theology. III. Christian Education Courses: Christian workers need to know how to deal intelligently and effectively with the problems and needs of childhood and youth. Such is the object of this course. The work covered not only meets the requirements of the Evangelical Teacher Training Association, but also may lead to a diploma or degree. IV. Music Courses: The Music Department of the Bible Institute of

Los Angeles offers two courses: one, of three years, leading to a diploma, and the other, of four years, lead­ ing to the degree of Bachelor of Sacred Music. V. Missionary Course: The four-year Missionary Course is designed to meet the specific needs of students who are preparing for foreign missionary service. In addition to the basic Bible subjects, the following are offered: 1. Information concerning missionary work through lectures by missionaries from various parts of the world. 2. Medical work includes those subjects which will enable the missionary to care for his own health and to meet the emergencies of the mission field. This course leads to a diploma.


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