Stage One Australian Government Stage One: Universities/technical colleges to increase face-to-face where possible and prioritise hands-on, skills-based learning; Allow local and regional travel for recreation; Hostels and hotels are open for accommodation; Work from home if it works for you and your employer; Workplaces develop a COVIDSafe plan. Tasmanian Government Stage One: 11 May: Training facilities may open for invited small groups of students only attending practical learning and assessment sessions; 18 May: Gatherings increase to 10 people for indoor and outdoor; libraries will be allowed to open for up to 10 people; 25 May: Years K-6 and 11-12 return to school / college; 9 June: Years 7-10 return to school.
Student Accommodation and Support • Student accommodation should remain open for all students but must be strictly managed to ensure hygiene protocol and physical distancing requirements are met. • All student services remain available online and via phone. • Key student services and communal student study spaces are operational on campus provided physical distancing and hygiene requirements can be met. • Student facilities such as computer labs, recreation facilities and grounds are open provided physical distancing and safety protocols can be met. • Library services are open for up to 10 people provided physical distancing and safety protocols can be met.
UTAS Key Principles
Learning and Teaching
Campus Operations
• Staff continue the existing mode of operating online and working from home where possible. • Regional travel should only occur where it is immediately essential to delivery of teaching and learning, research or for effective management and governance functions. Any travel, for both students and staff, is subject to broader restrictions on personal movement.
• We will continue online learning and assessment and will supplement with face to face offerings of certain necessary learning and teaching activities. for groups of up to 10 where there is no valid proxy activity (e.g. print making, ceramics, design, laboratories, field trips, placements, etc). Appropriate physical distancing needs to be applied. • Wherever possible, each group of 10 people or less is considered • The use of physical facilities a single ‘pod’ and should not interact with another pod. • Workplace-based learning can resume for most businesses and should be managed within the COVID-related restrictions being applied to that workplace. based learning may be delivered face-to- face, provided the workplace permits visitors and physical distancing requirements can be met. • Pastoral care for workplace-
The following activities are allowed, but must be strictly managed to ensure physical distancing requirements are met: • Face-to-face research activities,
• Campus can open with arrangements made for vulnerable students. • Gatherings up to 10 people are allowed if appropriate physical distancing is followed. • Vulnerable people (or those caring for/living with vulnerable people) should not be asked to carry out any on-site activities. • Any staff members or students found breaching the physical distancing requirements or gathering in groups greater than 10 will lose their access to campus. • Any campus facility affected by COVID-19 will be closed and appropriately cleaned before CMRT approve reopening. • Cleaning must follow room/office usage before other members of the UTAS community enter/use the room.
including public events (of up to 10 people), personal interviews, and experiments involving human subjects, are allowed.
• Activities involving vulnerable
members of the community must not increase their risk.
• On-campus food retail can
• Higher Degree by Research
open and seat patrons of up to 10 people at a time. Seated table service only with physical distancing.
(HDR) supervision and support is allowed.
• Research activity based in
laboratories (including caring for animals and other biological material) is allowed.
• Heightened cleaning of
touchpoints and horizontal surfaces implemented. • COVID-19 screening implemented for entry to campus buildings. • Controls in place to enable contact tracing of people in buildings.
• Maintaining or operating equipment and major
infrastructure associated with research is allowed.
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