Biola Broadcaster - 1962-08

than that which he already possesses. This discontented feeling indwell­ ing the heart is in direct conflict with the Spirit who has told us, “De­ light thyself also in the Lord . . .” We are to “ . . . seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteous­ ness; and all these things shall be added unto y o ii’ (M att. 6:33). "W H O DEEPEST DRINKS OF SORROW, drinks deepest, too, of grace. He sends the storm, so He Himself can be our hiding place.” Someone has given us these words of understanding and blessing that they might accompany our needs of the heart. In the days of ancient Rome, farm­ ers used .a crude cart which had wheels comprised of large cutting rollers. This device was called a “ tribulum.” One man would stir up the sheaves while the other stood on the cart. Attached to the casters were sharp stones, rough bits of iron, and glass embedded in the surface so that by cutting, the straw was separated from the grain. We find the “trib­ ulum” cart a reality in our exper­ iences of daily living. We get our word “ tribulationt” from the “ tribulum” cart. The Lord Jesus Christ said, . . In th

W H Y DO TODAY W H A T WE C AN DO TOMORROW ? To answer this let’s read this story of a dream. A man had a dream that took him to the very court of hell. Satan had called a special meeting of his de­ monic leaders to discuss the best means of getting sinners into hell. Suggestions began to form in their fiendish minds: One said, “Let's tell them there is no'God.” Satan shook his head and commented that “He could, only say NO to that for only a fool could think that way.” An­ other offered, “Tell them the Bible is a lie.” Again Satan shook his head — “No, there is too much evidence against that.” Still another volun­ teered, “Well then, tell them there is no future punishment.” But they all realized that conscience refutes that theory. Finally, one advanced this thought, “ Tell them the Bible is true, hell is a reality,- salvation is very desirable, but also tell them there is plenty of time; no need to hurry.” The evil resolution was unanimously adopted. Only a dream, perhaps — how­ ever, procrastination is the chief thief and murderer of souls . . Be­ hold, now is the accepted time; be­ hold, now is the day of salvation” (II Cor. 6:2). HOW TRAGIC that men never seem to learn that possessing an abun­ dance of things will never bring joy or peace to the human heart. Have you ever wondered when a person is rich enough? The fact of the matter is, due to human nature, no man ever considers himself tich enough until he has a little more


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