Gad we catch a view of the believer — and the Church is a great troop of be lievers. At this present moment we may be pressed down by the burdens of this life and it would appear as if Satan is having his way and the Church has been overcome. But the true Church will overcome at the last. We must come to know that every believer who would be an overcomer must first of all be overcome by Jesus Christ. Lives that have been conquered by the grace of God shall be conquerors through the grace of God. It is of interest to read that the tribe of Gad delighted to be in the front of battle in seeking to enlarge his ter ritory by conquest to greater borders. We read that Moses said, “Blessed be he that enlargeth the camp” — (Deu teronomy 33). We must remember that while we may enter into spiritual con flict and bring all that we haye to bear down upon our adversary — yet, suc- MOVING COSTS EVERYONE
Gad (continued) forth victors out of terrible bondage in the land of Egypt. Then we learn that the Israelites were overcome by a Ba bylonian troop and were taken into captivity for 70 years duration. And in our day, Israel has been buried in the graveyard of the nations. Until 1948, the people of Israel had neither lead ership nor government; they had neith er army nor navy. In short, these sad folk had no home — they had no flag! The passing centuries poured a stream of persecution and appalling massacre upon them. But, says this prophetic Word, Gad shall overcome at the last. Now what is said of Gad is also true of the peo ple of Israel and they will come through, ultimately, as revealed in the Book of Ezekiel, chapters 37, 38, and 39. The Jews began to return to their own land prior to 1948 and have con tinued since that hour. The Word of God says that “ a nation shall be bom in a day” and then shall they be the leading power in the world again. But above all they shall see and recognize Christ whom they have pierced! We want now to fix our eyes upon the picture concerning Christ. What was said of Gad relative to the fact that he would become a great troop, is de clared concerning Jesus, that every knee shall bow before Him and that every tongue shall confess Him as Lord. In another passage we are told that around Him will gather a company that no man can number — surely a tremendously great troop! There was a time when it appeared that man had overcome Christ as He was led to the Cross in man’s seeming victory. Christ was laid in the tomb but on the third day He overcame at the last and arose triumphantly from the dead and as cended unto heaven there to sit at the right hand of the Father. And then shall Christ come again, He shall come forth with all the armies of heaven and with 'thousands upon tens of thousands of His saints to bring judgment upon the earth, as the Book of the Revelation, chapter 19 tells us. As we draw upon this summary of
If you have just moved, or are planning to do so, you know all that is involved. But did you realize that your move can also cost the Lord's work? If you have moved and have not as yet informed us, from now on it will cost Biola 8 cents (rather than 4) in order to have the post office give us the in formation concerning your new address. If you use a post card, or the forms provided by the post office, this will mean a sub stantial savings for the work of the Lord. With a quarter of the population moving every year, according to statistics, you can well imagine what this will ulti mately mean for Biola. Thank you for your prayer ful help in this, as well as in our other ministries for the Lord Jesus Christ.
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