Biola Broadcaster - 1962-08

"The wont 'easy' appears only once in the New Testament and then it is in connection with the yoke of God!" * * * WE URGE FAM ILY DEVOTIONS as a •vital spiritual battlement for the Christian home. Of one godly mother it was said that she had established a “five min­ ute rule” in her home since her husband was not a Christian. She took five minutes wherever she hap­ pened to be when all the children were ready to leave for school. Some times it would be in the kitchen, in a bedroom, or out on the porch — each one kneeled and mother asked a blessing upon the day’s activities. As a result of these daily five min­ utes, each child came to know the Lord as his or her personal Saviour. The Christian’s armour w ill rust unless it is burnished with the oil of prayer. * * * "Flattery is just like perfume — it should only be smelled and not swallowed." * * * Soul Winning You need not go beyond the sea, Nor outside your locality, To win a soul to Christ; For the person you meet from day to day, For the boy or girl with whom you play, The man who lives across the way May be that soul to win. You may not know theology Nor even the latest psychology, But you can speak for Christ. If you are tactful as you question or plead, In a friendly visit about spiritual need, God's Holy Spirit will surely lead, That a soul may be won to Christ.

Let's lift our eyes and look about, And then, in earnest faith go out, To win some soul to Christ, Knowing as we gird ourselves with prayer, And Christ's salvation and friendship share, The Holy Spirit will be there To win that soul to Christ. * "Every day we see sit-down strikes where those who claim to be saved have never yet become fishers of men" — R. G. Lee * * * "Confession" Last night my little boy confessed to me Some childish wrong; "Dear Goa, make me a man Like Daddy— wise and strong, I know you can." Then while he slept I knelt beside his bed, Confessed my sins, And prayed with low-bowed head, "O God, make me a child Like my child here— Pure, guileless. Trusting Thee with faith sincere." . . . "Habits are either like cork or lead, for they'll tend to keep you up or to hold you down!" * * * "A Warning" Your words are recorded in heaven, Be careful of that which you say; Things uttered of good or of evil Shall pass in review on that day! Now EVERY Morning in FRESNO 8:30 A.M.— Monday through Friday KRDU, 1130 on the dial * * And kneeling at my knee He prayed with tears—


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