The Keith L. Brooks Memorial Chapel.
sacred commitment. In an hour when we need to train all the dedicated young people possible, we look only to the Lord. God’s children, often little people in the sight of the world, are most con cerned about getting out the Gospel. We believe the greatest investment is in a life prepared for the Lord’s service around the world. In this way, a person who has only a little to invest, can see the Lord’s money multiplied many times over. Tuition cost for Arizona Bible In stitute, as with Biola, is modest — much less than schools which are supported through large donations. But we do not feel that the potential missionaries, pastors, and Christian leaders of to morrow should be so outpriced as to drive them, in discouragement, to plac es of learning where the Gospel is rid iculed — and where no foundation of truth is given. That is the reason why we feel confident that not only our Arizona and Southwestern listeners will help in this project, but also why Biola has been able to continue for these past 54 years in training thousands of lives for the Master’s service. We are sure our listeners will re member to pray for divine guidance as the work goes forward, and as the Ari zona Bible Institute joins hands with The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, In corporated, becoming one of our five schools: Bible Institute, Biola College, School of Missionary Medicine, Talbot Theological Seminary and now, Ari zona Bible Institute. May God give
Mr. Clarence Wheeler, Arizona Christian businessman, and member of the Manage ment Committee of the Arizona Bible In stitute.
The well-appointed library provides excel lent facilities for the students. strength, wisdom and direction as the program for these schools continues to develop amid a world of uncertainty and disbelief. And may this program be based upon the only sure founda tion — the Word of God! 27
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