


aligned with modern realities, including our rural realities. We have the same expecta- tions for the health and physical education curriculum used in Ontario schools.” CDSBEO Chairman Todd Lalonde had a similar comment. He also noted that the Catholic school board follows a curriculum plan that incorporates the Catholic Christian faith. “Both the current and previous health and physical education curriculum were taught in Catholic schools through a Catholic faith lens,” Lalonde stated in an email. “Ontario Catholic schools, including the CDSBEO, receive curriculum through the Fully Alive Program, which is sponsored and developed through the Catholic Bishops of Ontario, in collaboration with Catholic school boards, educators and families. The CDSBEO will deliver the curriculum expectations as es- tablished by the Ministry of Education in Grades 1 to 8 Health and Physical Education, Interim Edition 2010, in a way that conveys, respects, and models Catholic principles to our students, based on the Fully Alive Program.” Lalonde also noted that the CDSBEO provides a Religious Education and Family Life program based on the Fully Alive cur- riculum, “which is not determined by the Ministry of Education.” Civil liberties challenge The Ford government suspended the new health education curriculum introduced in 2015 by the previous Liberal government, AVIS : STATIONNEMENT D’HIVER Veuillez noter que le règlement concernant le stationnement d’hiver est en vigueur à compter du 1er novembre de l'année en cours au 1er avril de l'année suivante. Personne ne doit stationner ou permettre à un véhicule d'être stationné sur une rue en tout temps entre 1h et 7h. Les personnes qui enfreignent ce règlement sont passibles d'une amende et/ou verront leur véhicule remorqué à leurs propres frais. Votre collaboration sera appréciée. Des permis de stationnement temporaires lors d’évènements spéciaux sont disponibles sans frais. S'il vous plaît, communiquez avec le Département de la sécurité publique et de l’exécution des règlements au 613-443-3066, poste 2340.

Both of the English school boards for the Glengarry-Prescott-Russell riding are taking a wait-and-see approach to recent announcements from Ontario’s new premier, about curriculum plans for schools in the province. Last month, Premier Doug Ford announced a “temporary rollback” to an older form of the health and sex education curriculum for all schools in the province. Officials for the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) and the Catholic District School Board (CDSBEO) both indicated their groups will wait and see how the new Progressive Conservative government makes good on the premier’s promise for a new public consulta- tion process on revising the health education curriculum, including dealing with sex educa- tion for students at both the elementary and secondary school levels. “We are in a wait-and-see position for the moment,” stated Jeff McMillan, UCDSB chairman, adding that districts are waiting for “clear direction from the Ministry of Educa- tion about any changes” for the health and physical education curriculum, though he noted that students today need “a strong and modern curriculum” to prepare them for success in the real world. “The UCDSB expects any curriculum,” stated McMillan, “whether it is mathematics, social studies, or science, to be current and

Premier Doug Ford has ordered a temporary rollback to an older version of the health and sex education curriculum for Ontario schools, and announced plans for a special website where parents and students can file “anonymous complaints” against teachers. Upper Canada District School Board Chairman Jeff McMillan and Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario Chairman Todd Lalonde report their groups are taking a “wait and see” position for now.a

which dealt with current issues such as gender identity, sexual orientation, and the topic of consent and awareness of poten- tial sexual abuse situations. The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) has since mounted a legal challenge to the govern- ment’s decision and is seeking a court order to keep the 2015 version in place until the

Ministry of Education has developed an actual replacement for it. CCLA Executive Director Michael Bryant described the Progressive Conservative gov- ernment’s approach to dealing with health and sex education curriculum in Ontario as “a dog-whistle of homophobia dressed up as a consultation.”




aucune plainte de la part des directions, enseignants ou parents face au retour temporaire de cette ancienne version du curriculum d’éducation sexuelle. Du côté du Conseil des écoles publiques de l’est de l’Ontario (CEPEO), dans l’attente de plus de détails concernant les consul- tations à venir, les services éducatifs ont mis en place des mesures pour appuyer les enseignants, pour les aider à appliquer l’exigence ministérielle. « On attend toujours des nouvelles pour savoir quand les consultations commen- ceront, pour encourager les membres de notre communauté à participer et à faire valoir leurs opinions », a soutenu Matthieu Vachon, surintendant de l’éducation. Ce dernier s’est fait rassurant quant à l’impact que cette décision aura sur les élèves des écoles du conseil. « C’est certain qu’on parle du programme d’éducation phy- sique et de santé, mais ça ne change pas les valeurs qu’on a comme conseil scolaire; que l’on favorise la diversité, l’inclusion et le bien-être. On a tout un service de bien-être et sécurité qui appuie les écoles, donc ce n’est pas comme si tout ce qu’on faisait par rapport à la diversité et l’inclusion se faisait via ce curriculum. »

Please be advised that overnight winter parking prohibition is in effect as of November 1st of the present year to April 1st of the following year. No person shall park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to remain on any street at any time between 1:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. Anyone doing so is liable to a fine and/or will have their vehicle towed away at their own expense. Your cooperation will be appreciated. Special occasion temporary parking permits are available at no cost. Please contact the Public Safety and Enforcement Department at 613-443- 3066, ext. 2340.

À l’instar des conseils scolaires anglo- phones, les conseils scolaires franco- phones de la région respectent la direc- tive provinciale et ont mis en application une ancienne version du programme d’éducation physique et de santé, qui comprend l’éducation sexuelle. Le mois dernier, le premier ministre Doug Ford a annoncé un retour temporaire à une version révisée en 2010 du programme d’éducation physique et de santé, pour toutes les écoles de la province. Cette ver- sion du programme, publiée de nouveau par le gouvernement Ford, « comprend tous les domaines d’études et les composantes actualisées en 2010, sauf les contenus d’apprentissage liés au thème sur la Crois- sance du domaine d’étude Vie saine, qui sont tirés du programme-cadre de 1998 », peut-on lire dans le document de 207 pages. Appelé à commenter la situation, le Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est ontarien (CSDCEO) a fait peu de com- mentaires, indiquant tout simplement que le conseil suit les directives du ministère. L’attachée de direction Marie-Claude Dicaire a aussi indiqué que le CSDCEO n’a reçu | 613-443-3066


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