A young Stephen Patricio at the opening of the San Luis Dam.
Stephen Patriciio has been involved in water issues for his entire career, including supporting increased water infrastructure in 2009 when Arnold Schwarzenegger was governor.
This guidance was distributed and recommended to the California cantaloupe industry in the early 2000s and became the first-ever mandatory compliance program in 2012. Additionally, during his chairmanship at Western Growers in 2007, he guided WG members through a devastating E. coli outbreak with spinach and salmonella poisoning with tomatoes. Through his stewardship, Western Growers leadership helped lead the establishment of the Leafy
the Center for Produce Safety (CPS), a collaboration that provides and shares ready-to-use, science-based solutions to prevent or minimize produce safety vulnerabilities. Today, CPS serves the ag community both domestically and abroad. “When you look at the success of California agriculture, Steve is a true representative of why the ag community
Greens Marketing Agreement in California and Arizona. The Marketing Agreements have today become the model for produce safety and accountability. From that initiative, it became obvious that all of the stakeholders, from field to fork, needed a platform to conduct transparent, collaborative food safety research. This resulted in the creation of
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Healthy Employees – Growing Business! Healthstat: You should see us at work. Serving the California agricultural community since 2008.
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Western Grower & Shipper | www.wga.com
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