CCI- Review- 2020/2021 #2

The CAO ’ s New Publication

Event RSVPs

The Condominium Authority of Ontario (CAO) has published the new Ontario’s Residential Condominium Buyers’ Guide.

While we continue to provide our events via

The guide was developed by the Condominium Authority of Ontario (CAO) in collaboration with the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services (MGCS) and approved by the Minister as a helpful resource for the purchasers of new condo units. It is also a valuable resource to owners and boards. Share the link with your owners.

Zoom, please note that the notice to Join Zoom Meeting is shared by the Administrator via email to those who have RSVP’d in advance of the event. This email notice goes out closer to the date of the event. It would appear that a small number of those who did RSVP may have missed the email that was sent out, or perhaps it was delivered into a SPAM or Junk mail folder instead of the Inbox. Please check these folders regularly to make sure any messages from us are not hiding out there.

Welcome, New Members!

We are always pleased to welcome new members to our CCI family. The continuing growth in condominium development demonstrates the genuine need for expansion in education and specialty professions that can provide the goods and services in our community. As new members join us, updates on the online Professional Service and Trades Directory will be made. Please visit it for contact information for new and returning businesses; and check out the Condominium Corporation membership listing to ensure you are included. We all need to assist companies as much as possible to keep them in our community to provide the services we need to maintain the investment we have made in our homes and the properties.

Professional and Business Partners Blue Jay Irrigation - Rob Brown, CIT, Sales Manager Heritage Renovations Windows and Doors - James Baker, Vice President IRC Building Sciences Group London Inc .

- Colin McCorriston, Business Development

Jutzi Water Technologies

- Andrew Megens, Executive Manager

Condominium Corporations Middlesex Vacant Land Condominium Corporation No. 775 Middlesex Standard Condominium Corporation No. 922

We are stronger together

2020/2021 - 2 — 7

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