Hola Sober April


If you wish to submit for our May-June edition please email: submissions@holasober.com

Special thanks to the wonderful columnists My sober sisters Gee and Colette, Sophie Pelham-Burn, and brother Travis Akers, Alexandra Hartley- Leonard, Ann Dowsett Johnston, Maria McKenty, Linda McGrath-Redmond, Fiona Downey + Peggi Cooney To Alexandra Hartley-Leonard who had the genius idea of creating a CHOCOLATE meditation, - thank you, what a wonderful idea - To the wonderfully PATIENT Heather Lowe, thank you ❤️ To the lovely Sarah Stewart, thank you for your initiative (and recipe help 😂 ) ❤️ To Hola Sober Sisters Jennifer Bridgman, Beth MT, Emma, Gretha, Shana, + Liz for poetry magic, gracias. To all sober gold photo contributors for giving me the privilege of publishing.

p.s. I am not a professional designer, writer, or creator, I am a woman who drank wine and now talks about not drinking, creating this magazine as a sober project. If there are spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, cut me some slack as this is a FREE MAGAZINE made with love.

p.p.s This magazine would not be possible without the ENDLESS loving support of my husband, three sons, and besties.

Hola Sober Columnists + contributors are not professional writers or journalists sharing their words and wisdom in a courageous fashion, women 2 women and I think that is brave as hell.

www . h o l a s o b e r . c om

| HOLA SOBER | Madr id | Spain | EPIC Sober Suppor t Magaz ine | | Owner & Edi tor | Susan Chr i s t ina | FREE |

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