Hola Sober April


Each morning, I would play Bach’ s Sinner ’ s Awake—a soothing s ignal to my monkey brain that I was wak ing up to a new wor ld: an alcohol -f ree ex i stence. Twelve years sober , I can say that Johann Har i i s r ight : the oppos i te of addict ion i s connect ion. As is the br i l l iant E.M. Forster : “Only connect . ” I t i s my mot to. That i s the gi f t of Hola Sober , the brainchi ld of Susan Chr ist ina Creamer—the visionary I r ish woman who founded this remarkable communi ty . I am here to s ing her prai ses today . I am here to say : we are the luckies t . Thi s year—2022—wi l l be a remarkable year for al l those who smash the i solat ion habi t . I f you are st i l l on the fence, reading thi s , make thi s promi se to yoursel f : you wi l l get to know Susan, Mar ia, Alex , L inda, Peggi , Lynn, Sandra, and mysel f thi s year . You wi l l break the r i tual of i solat ion. Only connect , and your wor ld wi l l change in ways you thought imposs ible. I promi se. As the mother of a f r iend of mine used to say : You have to ci rculate to accumulate. And never forget : the universe has a wi lder imaginat ion than you do. Make thi s the year .

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