Hola Sober April

Let's take a look back

April, 2022

"Addiction recovery for many is spiritual, but not every recovering alcoholic identifies with a spiritual approach to sobriety. Still, though, every person in recovery can discover and honour moments of reverence on their journey. Reverence is a term often associated with a religious context – reverence for God, reverence for religious scriptures, reverence for a holy place – but the inclusive and universally accepted application of reverence exists in a moment of deep respect, or a sense of awe in the presence of greatness. As a person in recovery, these moments occur and it is important that we acknowledge and document them in ways that we are able to identify milestones to celebrate and to return to for moments we must draw from for strength" -October 2021- .

The morning I woke on my second anniversary of sobriety was my Jacob’s ladder moment. I wrote down my feelings and captured the emotions in ink so that I could reflect on my accomplishment and refer back to that reverent snapshot in time if I need a reminder of my strength. This is discovering reverence in your sobriety – these are the moments of deep respect and awe in the presence of greatness. Recognize the times that deserve reverence and build a monument in your own way to honor them. -October 2021-

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