24CommunityProfile Final

Advertising Supplement to the Los Angeles Times I Civic Publications, Inc. I 19

18 I Community Profiles 2024

The Board of Supervisors is the governing body of the County of Los Angeles, a charter county. As such, it has the unique function of serving as the executive and legislative head of the largest and most complex county government in the United States. The civil service staff within County departments and agencies works to meet the needs of more than 10 million people.

CHAIR OF BOARD, FIFTH DISTRICT KATHRYN BARGER kathryn@bos.lacounty.gov Downtown Office: (213) 974-5555 Antelope Valley Office: (661) 726-3600 San Gabriel Valley Office: (626) 356-5407 East San Gabriel Valley Office: (909) 394-2264 Santa Clarita Valley Office: (661) 287-3657 San Fernando Valley Office: (818) 993-5170


FirstDistrict@bos.lacounty.gov East L.A. Office: (323) 881-4601 Southeast L.A. Office: (323) 826-6370

Hall of Administration Office: (213) 974-4111 San Gabriel Valley Office: (626) 350-4500 East San Gabriel Valley Office:.(909) 593-3661

THIRD DISTRICT LINDSEY P. HORVATH ThirdDistrict@bos.lacounty.gov Downtown Office: (213) 974-3333 West/Metro L.A.: (310) 231-1170 East San Fernando Valley: (818) 901-3831 West Valley/Mountain Communities: (818) 880-9416


SECOND DISTRICT HOLLY J. MITCHELL HollyJMitchell@bos.lacounty.gov Downtown Office: (213) 974-2222

FourthDistrict@bos.lacounty.gov Downtown Office: (213) 974-4444 Norwalk Office: (562) 807-7350 Bellflower Office: (562) 804-8208 Long Beach / Signal Hill Office: (562) 256-1920 San Pedro Office: (310) 519-6021 Torrance Office: (310) 222-3015

Exposition Park Office: (213) 741-9292 Florence-Firestone Office: (213) 974-1645 Lennox Office: (310) 680-8601

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