24CommunityProfile Final

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2 I Community Profiles 2024

PORT OF LONG BEACH 4 Celebrates Groundbreaking of Green Gateway


Photo by Peter Thomas on Unsplash

COMMUNITY PROFILES A Guide to L.A. County Cities Publisher Chris Lancaster

By Chris Lancaster Publisher ow do you decide where to live? Perhaps the most important factor is how much the house or property costs, and whether it fits into your budget. Of course this is key! But once you scale that hurdle, what else is important? • Size: For some people, it’s the size of the city, either by population or geographic size. Face it…some of us are meant to be big city folk, and some are more comfortable in a suburban or rural environment. • Schools: If you have or intend to have a family, this is of course a huge consideration. How are the public schools? Take a look at enrollment sizes and see if you’re comfortable. Are there public school options for you near your intended home? Perhaps a magnet school or one that specializes in something important to you like a bilingual education or STEM? Or if you’re choosing private school, are they near enough to make drop-off tolerable? • Proximity to work : How close is your intended home to your work and your spouse/partner’s work? Can both of you tolerate the commute? • Demographics: Take a look at the general age of the city you want to move to. Does the age of the residents skew younger or older than you, and does that matter to you? What’s the racial makeup of the city, and does that play a factor in your decision? How about average household size and income? And even the rate of home ownership (is it primarily homeowners or primarily renters, or a fairly even split)? What about household size and income? • Attractions, activities: Disneyland or other amusement parks might be the most obvious examples of this, but don’t forget racetracks, theaters, sports stadiums, proximity to beaches, hiking trails, lakes, public gardens and other outdoorsy spaces. Those are just some of the factors to consider. Beyond these is the harder-to- quantify characteristic of leadership. Elected school boards and city councils are the most obvious leadership positions for any city, but don’t forget sanitation districts, water governing boards and districts, regional economic boards, transit agencies and other bodies and boards that govern but are not elected. Leaders matter. Are they effective, aligned with residents’ priorities, honest, trustworthy, have integrity and operate in the best interest of the area? Are they courageous and willing to give thought to our complex problems, proposals and policies? Location matters. But so does leadership.

Executive Editor Elizabeth Smilor Art Director Rachel Maples Chief Strategist and Consultant Mary Lou Echternach Government Affairs Consultant Cathleen Galgiani

2 From the Publisher 9 Caltrans: Be Work Zone Alert

19 LACSD: Over 60 Years of Water Recycling 20 Federal, State and L.A. County Officials


District 7 Safety Improvements Caltrans 10

Steps Up as Metro Board Chair Janice Hahn

Gloria Roberts District 7 Director

42 LACSD: A Guide to Your Sewer System 64 LACSD: Fats, Oils & Grease Clog Pipes 68 LACSD: Stop Wasting Fuel 72 LACSD: Protect Your Pipes 87 Southern California Water Coalition 88 Valley Vista Services

26 Metro Looks Ahead

Photographer Steven Georges Videographer Eric Halsey

to 2028 Olympic Games 28 Metro Celebrates Project Funding 31 Goldline: Four More Stations Nearing Completion 32 A Tribute to Congresswoman Grace Napolitano

12 Los Angeles County Map 13 Los Angeles County by the Numbers


Cover photo courtesy of Port of Long Beach

37 33

Business is at the Heart of City of Industry

Massive Cleanup Requires Teamwork

To provide information or comments about your city, or to place an ad in next year’s publication, please email chris.lancaster@civicpub.com

36 Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District

Mayor Cory Moss

Los Angeles County CITY PROFILES

17 Industry Works … To Build the Economy 18 Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors

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