36 I Community Profiles 2024
he Upper San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District (Upper District) is a special district formed by the region’s voters in December 1959 and was incorporated shortly afterward at its first public meeting on Jan. 7, 1960. For the past 63 years, Upper District has remained steadfast in supporting a high quality of life in the greater San Gabriel Valley by providing valued water services. As the region’s wholesale water provider, Upper District services 26 water retailers, which encompasses 18 cities and nearly one million people in its 144 square mile service territory. It is governed by a five-member elected board of directors and is a member agency to the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. Upper District partners with many public and private agencies to provide a sustainable, high quality water supply. While its primary function is to provide imported water to supplement local water supplies, Upper District has evolved over the years to include recycled water, water stewardship and conservation in its water portfolio. Today, Upper District is widely recognized as community leader in water stewardship and water policy. m
To support a high quality of life in the greater San Gabriel Valley by providing valued water services. OUR MISSION To consistently meet our region’s need for reliable, high quality and affordable water.
Jennifer Santana President DIVISION 5
Dr. Anthony Fellow Vice President DIVISION 1
Katarina Garcia Treasurer DIVISION 4
Charles Treviño Director DIVISION 2
Ed Chavez Secretary DIVISION 3
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