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4 I Community Profiles 2024
Federal, state, city and Port of Long Beach officials celebrated the groundbreaking for America’s Green Gateway – the Pier B On-Dock Rail Support Facility.
Hundreds Celebrate Groundbreaking of America’s Green Gateway
Pictured from left Dr. Noel Hacegaba Port of Long Beach Chief Operating Officer Sharon L. Weissman
Long Beach Harbor Commissioner Kristina Duggan, 3rd District Long Beach Councilmember Roberto Uranga, 7th District Long Beach Councilmember Mark Tollefson Undersecretary, California State Transportation Agency Bobby Olvera Jr. Long Beach Harbor Commission then-President
n a midsummer’s day, about 500 people gathered at the Port of Long Beach as U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg emerged from a passenger rail car transported
Rex Richardson Long Beach Mayor Pete Buttigieg U.S. Transportation Secretary Dr. Robert Garcia, 42nd District
by Pacific Harbor Line’s Progress Rail “Joule” zero- emissions switcher engine. Port CEO Mario Cordero welcomed the Secretary and other dignitaries to mark the start of the Pier B On-Dock Rail Support Facility Project. Hailed as “America’s Green Gateway,” this $1.567 billion project will increase capacity and efficiency, and decrease truck-induced traffic and pollution. The project is slated for completion in 2032. Cordero and Chief Operating Officer Dr. Noel Hacegaba explained the significance of the expansion, and many other local, state and federal officials addressed the audience with gratitude and support.
“This is the most impactful operational endeavor the Port of Long Beach has ever undertaken. It is a gamechanger for the national supply chain. This project will bring operational and environmental improvements that will benefit the entire U.S. economy and further cement our reputation as the Green Port.”
California U.S. Representative Megan Kerr, 5th District Long Beach Councilmember Mario Cordero Port of Long Beach CEO Patricia Aguirre Board Secretary International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 63 Bonnie Lowenthal Long Beach Harbor Commission then-Vice President Steven Neal Long Beach Harbor Commissioner Al Austin, 8th District Long Beach Councilmember Tim McOsker, 15th District Los Angeles City Councilmember (Not pictured) Grace Napolitano, 31st District California U.S. Representative
Mario Cordero Port of Long Beach CEO
See Port of Long Beach Pg 6
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