King's Business - 1965-04


A P R I L , 1 9 6 5

Otte of life9» most important questions


Because of the great need for Christians in all walks of life, Biola is striving to give Christian young people a well rounded education in the spiritual, academic, cultural, and social aspects of their lives so that they might be qualified to do the task to which God has called them. Majors are offered by the following Divisions: Biblical Studies, Education ( including Physical M ore and more pastors and Christian leaders are recommending. BIOLA COLLEGE LA MIRADA CALIFORNIA

Education and Psychology), Fine Arts, Humanities, Science, and Social Science.


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T h e K i n g ’e B u s i n e s s A PUBLICATION OF THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELB. INCORPORATED Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor • S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Board Chairman APRIL, in the year of our Lord Vol. 56, No. 4 Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-five Establish«! 1910 Dedicated to the spiritual development o f the Christian home Met

DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot .......................... 28 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ....................................... 30 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss .................................... 31 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert ................................................... 32 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ............................. 34 JUNIOR KING'S BUSINESS — Martha S. Hooker ............................. 42 Fedum THE MESSAGE OF EASTER — Paul S. James .................................... 8 GREAT GUARANTEES IN CHRIST'S RESURRECTION — Roger F. Campbell .......................................................................... 12 LIVING ON THE WRONG SIDE OF CALVARY — Vance Havner .... 14 THE RESURRECTION OF CHRIST — Lehmann Strauss ................... 16 CHRIST'S GLORIOUS RESURRECTION — William Ward Ayer ...... 17 HEAVEN — M. R. DcHaan .......................................................................... 18 SUPERMAN IS COMING — Gordon Chilvers ....................................... 20 CAN AN INTELLIGENT PERSON EELIEVE THE BIBLE? — Louis T. Talbot ................................................................................. 23 THE CONVERSION OF PAUL — W. M. Sullivan ............................. 44 MuiWU PEOPLE IN THE NEWS ................................................................................. 6 PRESENTING THE MESSAGE .............................. ........................................ 29 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ............................................ 35 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert ...................................................... 36 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ........................ 39 — All Rights Reserved —

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S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor AL SANDERS: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor

PAUL SCHWEPKER: Controller JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager VIRGINIA SCHWEPKER: Production Manager

AL JAMISON: Art Director EDITORIAL BOARD: William Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker

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SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "The King's Business'' is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business."

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APRIL, 1965


most no one is even shocked any more by anything. Also, silence is consent if we take no stand against communism. We do not hate the people, only the false doc­ trine for it is a false religion and we are to obey Scripture when God tells us to be active against these evils. If we are for God, we of necessity must be against evil or Satan. Mrs. Theresa Erwin, Lafayette, California I want to express my appreciation for the firm and resolute stand which you have taken in this editorial against the trend toward unwarranted govern­ ment intervention in the affairs of the broadcasting industry. As you know;, Howard Kershner’s Commentary on the News was listed as one of the “Hate Clubs Of The Air” in the notorious article in THE NATION to which you refer in your editorial.. Mr. H. Edward Rowe, Christian Freedom Foundation, Inc., New York, New York ENCOURAGEMENT FROM OKINAWA We certainly enjoyed reading THE KING’S BUSINESS and appreciate the bonus copies for missionaries. There is a new Christian Servicemen’s Center now in the southern part of Okinawa. When we recently visited the Center, we were told that of all the magazines (Christian) that they could choose from, they wanted THE KING’S BUSINESS there for the servicemen to read because of the good Bible out­ lines. Someone had offered to send them any magazine they wished and they asked for the KB. Thought I would pass that along as an encouragement for more of the same. Mrs. Paul R. Reynolds, Far East Broadcasting Company MAGAZINES IN MOTEL Your magazine, KING’S BUSINESS is such a blessing to me. It serves a dual purpose here. After I have read them, I put them in the rooms, and then leave the rest up to the Lord. Seems as if everyone has a problem today, and the answer can always be found in one of the magazines. I especially like the covers, they’re so colorful,*and “ eye. catching.” May the Lord richly bless you in your work, till He comes, and I do hope it’s soon. Mrs. John Ross, Grandview Motel, San Luis Obispo, California I am disappointed! The last issue of your fine magazine came to my desk and the first thing I looked for was not there. The section is the one to be removed and fits in a ring binder. I have all the copies so far and have found them so good that I hope that you will be able to include them in future issues. It would be difficult for me to put into words the value of those messages. They cover such a wide variety of sub­ jects that I know much thought and prayer go into their selection. A. O. Mead, Ramona, California FEATURE MISSED

MINISTRY of MERCY With the gifts of Christian friends, God has en­ abled us to minister to the desperate needs of our Hebrew Christian brethren around the world.

Bibles, food, medicines and re­ lief sustain those witnessing for Christ in Israel and elsewhere. Will you share in this minis­ try! Write: IN U.S.A. P.0. Box 5 0 i-K , Clearwater, Fla. CANADA 142-K Cunon St., Toronto, Ont.

DOCTOR'S OFFICE After we have read THE KING’S BUSINESS, our copy goes to the doc­ tor’s office and is laid on the table by the nurses. I think they like the nice covers. I always pray that someone may be saved through reading them. Pray that God will honor His Word. Mrs. Ann E. Horn, British Columbia MISSIONARY'S THANKS We have just received our announce­ ment of a gift subscription to THE KING’S BUSINESS. During our first six years in Brazil we did not receive any kind of Christian literature and missed it very much. We truly enjoy reading each issue of THE KING’S BUSINESS as it arrives and have shared it with the other missionaries that work with us. Many of our friends in Los Angeles have attended Biola and our church has always been in­ terested in the school, which makes our interest in the magazine even great­ er. Thank you for your faithfulness in presenting the Gospel in each issue and also for “food” for the saints. Mrs. Tom Pope, Brazil MISSIONARY ISSUE Thank you for the special missionary slant you have given your February issue. You have done a splendid job on this. I know the Lord will use it to stir the hearts of His people with re­ spect to missions. Don W. Hillis, Chicago, Illinois THE KING’S BUSINESS is to be commended for their choice of cover in this special missionary issue (Febru­ ary 1965). I have noted from some letters that there is a difference of opinion about the covers, but I, per­ sonally, always like the choices made. Mrs. Mary Lyons, West New York, New Jersey EDITORIALS Thank you so much for the excellent editorials, and for someone who has the pulse on the tenor of our times and the wisdom and forthrightness to express and enlighten us. Thelma Cross, Moses Lake, Washington I am one who is in agreement with all the editorials in this splendid maga­ zine! I wish to comment on a couple of subjects with which some have dis­ agreed with you. First, I am happy that my teenager can read what you write concerning every aspect of sex. I want him to be exposed to the Chris­ tian viewpoint and to know of the alarming advances of homosexuality in our land and how to combat them. Our society condones this behavior and al­

Rev. David Bronstein, Secy. InternatioiiaLH ebrew Christian A lliance

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HOW CAN THE JEW know CHRIST STIMULUS A Jewish man heard the witness from an A. M. F. Missionary in Florida. Patiently, with an open Bible the worker focused upon the need for peace in the human heart Then pointing out some of the 333 prophecies about the Messiah, which were fulfilled in Jesus, he turned to Isaiah 53. RESPONSE The Jewish man read of the one who was “wounded for our transgressions" . . . and by whose stripes “we are healed." Amazed that this was not the New Testament, but his own Jewish prophet Isaiah, his preju­ dice was overcome. He found his own condition portrayed. Best of all he found the One upon whom the iniquity of all was laid. 385 days of the year by personal contact, by tracts, and by radio, A. M. F. missionar­ ies are reaching Jewish people with the message of salvation. Archie A. MacKinney, Director AMERICAN MESSIANIC FELLOWSHIP 7448 N. Damen Ave., Chicago 45, III.



' P oc W nû X n s V vs


America Pressed For Time by State Senator Nelson S. Dilworth, Reti red

people had come to the colonies to be free from the restraints and religious establishments of Europe. Often, the Holy Bible was under the arms of the early Americans as they walked by day, open on their knees by their fireside at evening time with their children gathered around them, and by their pillows at night. There «are more completely new concepts of government in the vital fifty words of the Declaration. The writers asserted that governments were instituted among men to secure these rights, deriving their just pow­ ers from the consent of the governed. Here is a clear and challenging dec­ laration of the right of mankind to freedom to control their government for the first time uttered by officials in government, in a formal state paper. Shall the people of America lightly surrender our independence to a world group of appointed men, not one elected among them?

What was so new about the Amer­ ican Declaration of Independence? Had not people always aspired to be free? What was so remarkable about this Declaration of the representatives of the English colonies? It was the first state paper prepared by men in government, affirming that the right of mankind to freedom is from God and that men are endowed by their Creator with certain inalien­ able rights. For untold centuries, men had endured the philosophy of the “ divine right of kings” to rule them. These colonists had a new conception of God as the source of the rights for a free people, rather than the source of power for corrupt kings. The dif­ ference is as wide as the universe. There was involved here a larger, better and purer understanding of God brought about in America by the free and popular study of the Bible by the common people of a developing young nation. The fathers of these

ySpileason. Just mi fifillfnian’s life when • § S P **■*BIMe “ ' jmguide, he grows strong and steadfast. Cambridge University' Press has made Bibles since 1591. When yon own a Cambridge Bible, you own a book made with craftsmanship inherited through twelve generations.


A Milestone in New Testament translation! ?F. F. BRUCE

Rachel Saint of Wycliffc Bible Trans­ lators, has translated the Gospel of Mark in Auca, which has just re­ cently com e off the press. Miss Saint’s brother Nate and four other missionary companions were killed by the spears of the very A'ucas who are now receiving these Scriptures with joy. All five of the Auca men who killed the missionaries have be-

Dr. R. Kenneth Strachan, general di­ rector of the Latin America Mission, died February 23, at the age of 54. Dr. Strachan had been in Pasadena, California teaching at Fuller Theo­ logical Seminary as visiting profes­ sor of Christian missions. He leaves his widow and six children. Follow­ ing memorial services in Pasadena, Dr. Strachan was buried in Costa Rica. Dr. Oswald J. Smith of The Peoples Church, Toronto, Canada, recently held an Island-wide campaign in the capital city of Trinidad in the West Indies. Jimmie McDonald, noted Negro soloist, toured with Dr. Smith. Crown Princess Beatrix of Holland participated in the dedication of Trans World Radio’s new 810,000 watt superpower station in Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles. Governor Mor- kos of Bonaire introduced the Prin­ cess. Also participating in the cere­ monies recently, was Dr. Eugene R. Bertermann, noted Lutheran Clergy­ man, and Dr. Paul E. Freed, president and founder of Trans World Radio. With the addition of the new Bonaire station, Trans World Radio will be operating with more than one mil­ lion watts of transmitter power — making it one of the most extensive

M Im m

■ ■ ¡ H i THE LETTERS OF PAUL art expanded paraphrase F. F. Bruce Bruce here offers his own translation of Paul's letters in a most useful and practical form. Set opposite is the complete text of the English Revised Version, which accur­ ately reproduces the nuances and follows the idiom of the original text as closely as possible. The Epistles are arranged chrono­ logically, and each letter is preceded by a chapter in Bruce’s continuous narrative of the life of Paul. Inclusion of the Fuller References (compiled by Scrivener, Moulton and Greenup) makes this volume a unique self-contained comparison, a system which makes the Scripture its own commentary. This certainly will prove to be one of the most important works of F. F. Bruce, Ry- lands Professor of Biblical Criticism and Exegesis at the University of Manchester, England.

com e baptized believers. Pictured above is Gikita, who thrust the first spear in the massacre of the five mis­ sionaries. Dyuwi, another one of the five, and three other young Christian Aucas presently are planning to reach their savage down-river rela­ tives with the newly-published Gos­ pel of Mark. The Auca Gospel of Mark was printed in Mexico at the newly - constructed headquarters of Wycliffe Bible Translators and the Summer Institute of Linguistics. Joseph B. Bubar, general director of Christian Service Brigade, told of a Day of Prayer for Boys which was held recently. The desperate need for Christian men in places of leadership prompted this observance. Interces­ sion was made for boys, for Chris­ tian men who- are guiding them and for the ministry of boys’ club organi­ zations around the world. Christian Service Brigade is an organization of men and boys banded together to win boys to Christ and train them for His service. Through a weekly activity and training program, a graded system of achievement ranks and related activities, such as sports and camping, Brigade seeks to aid boys grow into mature Christian manhood. James A. Fenton has been appointed headmaster of Wheaton Academy to succeed John F. Blanchard, Jr., who leaves to devote full time to the Na­ tional Association of C h r is tia n Schools. Mr. Fenton is presently headmaster of Grand River Academy in Austinburg, Ohio. The appoint­ ment is. effective September 1.

radio networks in the world. Pic­ tured above is a panoramic view of the Bonaire installation as seen from the 760-foot medium wave antenna tower. To the right is the power plant building. To the left are the engineering offices in the front and the larger transmitter building be­ hind it. Rising skyward behind the transmitter building are the antenna towers supporting an international curtain antenna for shortwave broad­ casts to Europe, Russia, and North Africa. (continued on page 42) TH E KING 'S BUSINESS

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A P R IL, 1965

The Message of Easter by Dr. Paul. S. James

Unlimited opportunities in India and West Pakistan {or women doctors, nurses, technicians and evangelists to reach the neglected women of the Orient. Unless Woman Doctors are added to Stall of some hospitals our ministry must be greatly curtailed. Young Christian women are also urgently needed lor orphan­ age, rescue home and Bible training school in India, and high school and Bible training school in Japan. THE WUMS, founded in I860, is undenominational and evangeli­ cal. Write for information and literature.

A m id a l l t h e question marks, Easter is a glorious exclamation Saviour; there is life after death. Our Lord Jesus Christ partook of our flesh and blood “ that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime sub­ ject to bondage” (Hebrews 2:14, 15). His identification with us was com­ plete. We have a High Priest who was tested in all points as we are. When He was born, the glory of the Lord turned night into day. When He died on the cross, the sin of man turned day into night; but a glori­ ous morning followed. He appeared to Mary Magdalene and she said, “Master!” He appeared to the disciples on the Emmaus road and they had burning hearts. He ap­ peared to doubting Thomas and he said, “My Lord and my God!” He appeared to Peter and he said, “Thou knowest that I love Thee!” He ap­ peared to Saul of Tarsus ‘and he said, “What wilt thou have me to do?” He appeared to John and he fell at His feet as dead. At one time He ap­ peared to more than five hundred. This living Saviour is the only Way to God. “No man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6). Because of Him there is salvation for all who will trust Him. He saves to the uttermost all who come to God by Him, for He ever liveth. The hub of the Christian world is the empty tomb of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ stands on the other side of the grave, for “Death could not keep its prey, He tore the bars away!” “I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, 1 am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death” (Revelation 1:18). Our Saviour, Jesus Christ, has “abolished death, and hath brought life and im­ mortality to light through the gospel” (II Timothy 1:10). All men are im­ mortal, which means that the soul is deathless: we go on living after the body returns to the ground. But it is a terrible thought to go on living apart from Him who is life and light and love.

Jesus said, “1 am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and be­ lieveth in me shall never die ” (John 11:25, 26). This means that those who are Christ’s, though they experience the first death (separation of the soul from the body), shall never experi­ ence the second death (separation of the soul from God). It is our risen Saviour ancF living Lord who has opened to us the shin­ ing possibilities of the life that is eternal. Easter morn finds the Chris­ tian contemplating t h e heavenly shore, reunion with loved ones who have gone before, the invigoration of celestial air and the everlasting joys of the home Jesus has gone to prepare for us. His resurrection verifies what He said, vindicates what He claimed and validates what He did. Christ’s resurrection changed Mary from a mourner into a messenger; it changed Thomas from a doubter into a believer; it changed Peter from a denier into a preacher and it changed Paul from a persecutor into a mis­ sionary. The early Christians went forth preaching “Jesus, and the resur­ rection” (Acts 17:18). Some mocked, some procrastinated and some be­ lieved. For those who believed, the Easter event became an Easter experi­ ence: a cleansing, life-changing, trans­ forming experience! “What do you know about God?” one man asked another. The Chris­ tian replied, “There is much I don’t know about God, but what I do know has changed my life.” From the empty tomb of our Lord Jesus Christ has flowed the warm gulf stream of sal­ vation which has changed the lives of millions of people. Thank God for that DAY: the first day of the week; the DECLARA­ TION: “He is not here: for he is risen, as he said” (Matthew 28:6); the DEDICATION of those who went out quickly to tell the glad tidings; the DEMONSTRATION of the power of our living Saviour in the lives of those who have put their trust in Him. Available In printed form from the American Tract Society, Oradell, N J.

mark! It declares that there is a living

Woman’sUnionMissionary Society 156 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010 immediate need- gospeis FOR BUENOS AIRES Distribution to date— Enthusiastic audiences received the first 150,000 Gospels in Buenos Aires during our heavy day and night evangelistic gospel distribution campaigns. Our goal — At least 300,000 Gospels to be distrib­ uted among the multitudes in Greater Buenos Aires. Our need — Your prayerful interest and support as PTL missionaries and National workers cover the Province of Buenos Aires west of the federal capital during March and April. Help us send Gospels to Buenos Aires. J. Edward Smith, International Director Alfred A. Kunz , International Director Emeritus Pocket Testament League* me. 49 Honeck Street, Englewood, N.J. 07631 Canada: 74 Crescent Rd., Toronto 5, Ont. 4 ...... A V




If Christ be not risen, mine is the loss, For futile is the faith within my heart. My hope is gone; I left it at the cross The day He died. I, too, then died in part. If Christ be not risen, I needs must die. For His redeeming work is incomplete. To conquer over sin, and death deny, A living Christ must overpower defeat. If Christ be .not risen, His Book is vain, For doubt would throw its shadow on the Word. The sinless life He lived would just remain T h e story of a man, to some absurd. If Christ be not risen, 0 but He is! His resurrection fills the world with joy. My faith is strong, eternity is His And sin has lost its power to destroy. The risen Christ is in our midst today. Glad anthems of the church defy the grave. While Christians bow their grateful heads to pray, No longer does the fear of death enslave. — Gwen Roberts Boyer If Easter be not true, Then all the lilies low must lie; The Flanders poppies fade and die; The spring must lose her fairest bloom For Christ were still within the tomb . . . If Easter be not true. If Easter be not true. Then faith must mount on broken wing; Then hope no more immortal spring; Then hope must lose her mighty urge; Life prove a phantom, -death a dirge . . . If Easter be not true. If Easter be not true, 'Twere foolishness the cross to bear; He dies in vain who suffered there; What matter though we laugh or cry, Be good or evil, live or die. If Easter be not true? If Easter be not true . . . But it is true, and Christ is risen! And mortal spirit from its prison Of sin and death with Him may rise! Worthwhile the struggle, sure the prize. Since Easter, aye, is true! — Henry H. Barstow IF EASTER BE NOT TRUE

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□ Rol|d'e □ JUnl°r i—i I—I Young I__I Nursery I___I Teen □ Beginner □ H?gh°r | | Primary Adult □ Home Department

APRIL, 1965


ö S ) C\T^N VW © \K.

V a a

What Are You Leaving Us? b y a High School B o y There is no use pretending you don’t see me. You just sit still and listen.

as hard', or as well, or get as lucky? This luck business is important: in your heart you know that in the game o f life, there has to be a jackpot, or the game won’t be played very hard. Where did you get the crazy idea that the man who earns twice as much should be taxed four times as much? (I know where you got it: right out of Marx.) Where did you get this idea that government can take care of everybody? You know you can’t get something for noth­ ing; yet you pretend that people in Washing­ ton can give you things without first taking them away from you. I’d rather risk having to stand on a bread line a few times than spending my life standing in line for government handouts. If there were any other place in the world where government wouldn’t plan my life for me even more so, it wouldn’t be so bad, but America is the only place left—and look what you are doing to it.

I’m not very smart yet, but I’m smart enough to see what you are doing to the country in which I must grow up and support my family. When I do that, will I be allowed to be my­ self or will I be a Social Security number in a government file? When I get sick, whose doctor can I go to, my doctor or the government doctor? When I go to school, who is going to decide what I learn, my mother and father or a gov­ ernment bureau? When I am able to afford a house, will I be able to build one just as good as I can make it, or will it be a government-built house, worth only part of what the government taxed me for housing? What makes you think it would be “ bad” for me to have to make my way in competition with others? If I work a little harder, or better, or get lucky, will I be able to keep any more of what I earn than the other fellow who didn’t work

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EASTER DAWN Easter dawn at Joseph's tomb. And no more 'tis wrapped in gloom. Since the Saviour rose in might, 'Tis a blessed peaceful light. Earth is glad, and angels sing, 'Risen is our Saviour, King." Dawning never was so fair As the blessed, dawning there, When the Victor, Christ, arose, 'Neath His feet His anguished foes. "WHO WILL ROLL THE STONE?" "Who will roll the stone?" they ques­ tioned Early on that Easter day; But when they had reached the garden, Lo! the stone was rolled away: Angel hands had been before them Wasted was their anxious dread; They, who thought to touch the body, Found a risen Lord instead. In the garden of your worship, Does some rock of sad defeat Keep a dead Christ sealed before you Who was once alive and sweet? Christian, bring the spice of service To the place you left the Lord, There to find the tomb forsaken, Opened of divine accord: There to turn and meet, with wonder, In that hushed and holy place, Jesus Christ, alive and precious Speaking with you face to face. "Who will roll the stone?" they ques­ tioned. Christian, question not today; Rise up early, seek the garden— God will roll the stone away. SING AND REJOICE In the tomb a radiant light, Vanished are the shades of night; White robed angels watching there, Now a wondrous truth declare. Christ is risen! Is risen today, He has broken death's dark sway; Let us with united voice Sing His praises and rejoice!

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C R O W N I N G G L O R Y H Y M N A L The only hymnbook that includes all these favorites— How Great Thou Art So Send I You It Took a Miracle In Times Like These And Can It Be That I Should Gain The Old Rugged Cross Blessed Assurance To God Be The Glory Praise Him In The Garden Amazing Grace Jesus Is Coming Again

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,JI 11

APRIL, 1965

“ glory has departed” is also made evident by the first listing being “ Amusement Park,” and the third “ Beer Garden.” As one drives through the area where this cult once thrived, looks upon the once-proud mansions, and sees here or there a bearded man making his way across the grounds, he feels he is viewing a decaying miniature kingdom. The great ex­ pected ingathering of the elect was never completed. The 144,000 are not here. Today, the only time one is likely to find a crowd of any size is during the tourist season, and these people gather only out of curiosity or for entertainment. What happened? Benjamin died! His followers con­ fidently awaited his resurrection, but they waited in vain. Benjamin had been a fake. The dollars and destinies that had been invested in him would never buy Divine favor. If Jesus Christ had not come forth the Victor over the grave, it is doubtful that the disciples would have built as many buildings or in­ fluenced as many people as the fol­ lowers of this false prophet. But when the stone was rolled away and it was discovered that the Saviour had stepped forth in resurrection power, His own were willing to give their lives to preach the gospel o f the Living Christ. It is really no wonder, for here in one great demonstration of the power of God, they were presented with a threefold guarantee which sealed

O n c e , during the French Revolu­ tion, someone remarked to Tal­ leyrand, bishop of Autun: “The Christian religion — what is it? It would be easy to start a religion like that.” “Oh, yes,” replied Talleyrand, “ one would only have to get crucified and rise again the third day.” I live in Benton Harbor, Michi­ gan. This is the home of a once- flourishing cult called “ The House of David,” founded by Benjamin and Mary Purnell. Benjamin took upon himself the momentous job of re­ gathering (spiritual) Israel. I’m not sure what gave Benjamin the idea that this was the land of milk and honey, but he was able to convince a goodly number of people that he was endued with an heaven­ ly anointing. So they came from far and near to join his movement. Each one who came believed him­ self to be one of the 144,000 whom Benjamin had been sent to gather. It almost seems a shame that Charles T. Russell (founder of Je­ hovah’s Witnesses) did not unite with Benjamin since they were both looking for the same people. That Benjamin and his bearded buddies made quite an impression in this city is evident by the fourteen headings under “House of David” still remaining in the city phone di­ rectory. However, the fact that the

"R u t now in Christ risen from the dead, and become the tirstfruits of them that slept.” ( I C o r in t h ia n s 1 5 :2 0 )



their faith and their future. By the resurrection o f Jesus, all Christians from that day to this are given a Divine Guarantee, of their Saviour, of their Salvation and of their Similar Resurrection. Notice how the New Testament bears out these great truths. I. THE GUARANTEE OF OUR SAVIOUR. " . . . declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrec­ tion from the dead” (Rom. 1:4). It is of supreme importance to the Trinity to present Jesus Christ the Son of God, as Saviour to a lost world. More important to the Father than keeping the planets in their courses is the reaching of one soul. There is joy in the presence of the angels over one sinner that repent- eth. Therefore all the resources of heaven are put to work to present Christ to men. The Spirit of God moved upon the prophets of old to predict with pre­ cision the details of the incarnation. Isaiah describes Christ’s substitu­ tionary death in such unmistakable manner that his words become the tool of nearly every soul winner. David writes in advance the very words that the Son of David-one day will utter on the cross. When the fulness of time arrives, the angel announces the coming royal birth to Mary. On the night of His birth, angels herald the good tidings to the shepherds on the hill­ side. God, who placed the stars in their places at His Word in creation, speaks again and places one more star in the heavens to guide the wise men to Bethlehem. At the baptism of Jesus, the heavens open and the voice of the Father is heard in testimony of His deity: “ This is my beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased” (Matt. 3:17). At the transfiguration, and again when certain Greeks seek Him, the voice again speaks from above declaring Christ’s Sonship. Signs multiply! The lame are made to walk; the deaf to hear; the blind to see. But, according to Jesus’

own testimony, the sign of signs was to be His victory over death. “ Then answered the Jews and said unto him, What sign shewest thou unto us, seeing that thou doest these things? Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days ? But he spake of the temple of his body” (John 2:18-21). Do you see how Christ’s resurrec­ tion manifests His deity? It is not hard to accept the virgin birth if you believe in the resurrection. One is no more biologically impossible than the other. It is no trick to turn water to wine if one can turn death to life. Is it difficult to open eyes closed in blindness, to One who can open eyes closed in death? Truly the resurrection is the guar­ antee of our Saviour. He is all that He said He was. He is all that He was promised to be. II. THE GUARANTEE OF OUR SALVATION “ And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins” (I Cor. 15:17). There is something frightening about this verse! The “ ifs” of Paul’s argument send a chill to one’s spine. “ And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins. Then they also which are fall­ en asleep in Christ are perished.” Awful thought! No wonder he adds another “ if” in the 19th verse: “ I f in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.” But enough of those unnerving negatives! Let us hear the trium­ phant truth! “ But now is Christ risen from the dead.” (V. 20.) Just as no resurrection means death and misery, so resurrection means life and sure salvation. My faith is not vain! Christ arose! I am not in my sins! Christ arose! Our hope in Christ is not only for this life, but for eternity, and we are of all men most blessed! The resur­ rection is the guarantee of our sal­ vation.

III. THE GUARANTEE OF OUR SIMILAR RESURRECTION. “ But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept” (I Cor. 15:20). Celebration of the resurrection of Christ ought to be more than an ex­ perience in looking back to that res­ urrection morning. It should also cause us to look forward to the Lord’s return, when every Christian will experience a similar resurrec­ tion. “ For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his com­ ing” (I Cor. 15:22, 23). The grave of a Christian is not a place of despair. It is a place of ex­ pectation! When Christ returns, the graves will open and the saints will rise in glorified bodies. John writes of that coming great day: “ Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him: for we shall see him as he is” (I John. 3 :2 ). One day I came around the corner of our house to find my young son in tears. He had stepped on a bee. Clutching his bare' foot, he was screaming at the top of his voice. Finally, looking through his tears, he said, “Daddy, that bee will never sting again. He has lost his stinger.” That is what happened at the cross one day. Death drove its sting­ er into the Son of God. But death could not hold Him. He stepped forth the Victor over death and the grave. My heart echoes Paul’s shout of vic­ tory: “ 0 death, where is thy sting? 0 grave, where is thy victory? . . . But thanks be to God which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (I Cor. 15:55, 57). Let us rejoice in our Divine Saviour! Let us rest secure in our salvation! Let us look forward with anticipation to His return to give us resurrection bodies like His own. These are the rights and privileges of every Christian, guaranteed by God in the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.


APRIL, 1965

No one can live a complete Chris­ tian life until three mighty events are behind him in his own experi­ ence. These mighty events are the crucifixion and the resurrection and the coming of the Holy Spirit. P ETER preached his Pentecost ser­ mon against the backdrop of three tremendous events, the cruci­ fixion, the resurrection and the com­ ing of the Spirit. He speaks of all

I am thinking of those today who try to be Christians on the wrong side of the cross. We are not like the disciples who followed our Lord in Galilee. They lived on the other side NG ON THE H WRONG . . Vance Havner

o f Calvary. What was normal for them is not a norm for us today. I have heard it said: “ Start out.with what you can believe about Jesus. Follow Him as a teacher if you can­ not receive Him as Saviour and you will end up saying with Thomas, ‘My Lord and my God.’ ” Now of course God will meet any man who seeks Him. It does not take a seeking Saviour and a seeking sin­ ner long to meet. But it is not preaching the gospel to tell a man merely to follow “ Jesus Christ of Nazareth, a man.” There is a rash of novels today based on the life of Christ and we are conjuring up an imaginary Jesus of Galilee and a lot of dear people are trying to follow Him by way of the Sermon on the Mount and the Golden Rule. But He gave these messages to the disciples and not to the world. The message for today is the gospel. GOSPEL-IGNORANT AMERICANS I hear a lot about Americans be­ ing gospel-hardened. Actually they are gospel-ignorant. The average church member does not know what the gospel is. Jesus did not come pri­ marily to preach the gospel. He came that there might be a gospel to preach, as Dr. Dale said. The gospel is that Christ died for our sins ac­ cording to the Scriptures, was buried and rose again the third day, ac­ cording to the Scriptures. That is the gospel and we don’t work up to it; we start with it. The early church did not worship a memory or make a living showing shrines where Jesus did this and said that, as visitors are today shown the innumerable places where George Washington slept. They had a living Saviour. We are not to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps trying to imi­ tate a Galilean teacher. That is like THE KING'S BUSINESS

three in his message. No man can give a complete Christian message, anymore than he can live a com­ plete Christian life, until all three of these mighty events are behind him in his own experience. There is such a thing as living on the wrong side of either or all three. Consider the matter of livihg on the wrong side of Calvary. All sin­ ners, of course, are on the wrong side of Calvary in their own expe­ rience because they have never come to that fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel’s veins. Sometimes when a prairie fire breaks out they meet the menace by burn­ ing off a stretch of ground ahead so that the hungry flames are stopped when they reach the area already burned over. Calvary has been burned over. Sin and Satan did their worst there. SINNERS ON THE WRONG SIDE OF CALVARY The problem of sin was dealt with once and for all and until man ac­ cepts the provision of God made on the Cross, he is on the wrong side of Calvary for without shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. Our Saviour was given the name Jesus because He would save His people from their sins. And the way He did it is not found in Peter’s statement in verse 22: “Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him, as ye yourselves also know.” It is found in the next verse: “ Him, be­ ing delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and slain.”

cost. The disciples were p»or wit­ nesses between Easter and Pente­ cost. They were hidden behind closed doors for fear and Peter led them in a return to fishing. Christians who are living on the wrong side of Pen­ tecost usually live in fear and not a few revert to their old ways. Peter had been called to bigger business than fishing: “ Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” Too many of us are doing trivial things when we could do tremendous things for God. Dr. Graham Scroggie said: “ The trouble and tragedy is that the church has been content to live between Easter and Pentecost, on the right side of justification but on the wrong side of sanctification; on the right side of pardon but on the wrong side of power.” The disciples of John mentioned in Acts 19 who had not so much as heard whether there was any Holy Ghost are not the only ones of that variety. If the Holy Spirit ceased His operations today some Chris­ tians and churches would never know the difference. That is why some carry on with the strange fire in­ stead of supernatural fire, painted fire instead of Pentecostal fire. That is why we resort to stunts and shows and entertainment and high pressure promotion. Pentecost was its own publicity. A Christian is a believer trusting Christ as Saviour, resting in the fin­ ished work of Calvary. He is a dis­ ciple following a risen Lord. He is a witness filled with the Spirit. He is on the right side of Calvary, of Eas­ ter and of Pentecost. On the day of Pentecost there were 120 Christians who had an experience of all three. There was a preacher who preached all three: “Him . . . ye have cruci­ fied” . . . there was Calvary; “Whom God hath raised up” , . . there was the resurrection; “He hath shed forth this” . . . there was Pentecost (Acts 2:23, 24, 33). No wonder the congregation cried, “What shall we do?” Is not this the pattern for true revival? Let a handful of men and women living on the right side of Calvary, Easter and Pentecost, pro­ claim all three and men will first ask “ What meaneth this?” and presently they will inquire, “What shall we do?”

watching a play. We are transported out of this world but presently the curtain comes down and we come to and find we are back in the midst of things as they are. Trying to re­ capture the Galilean experience is a discouraging business. A PERSONAL SALVATION, NOT REMOTE CONTROL We need to get on this side of Cal­ vary. Something was done there that enables us to share His life today. It is not inspiration or imitation but identification. “ Christ liveth in me” is different from my trying to live like Jesus. He came not to take my part but my place and He did that for both sinner and saint. He died for us. He lives in us. We are not operated by remote control from Galilee. No man is a Christian until he accepts the finished work of the Cross and rests his soul upon it. We are not saved by what happened in Galilee, but by what took place on Golgotha. We are on this side of Cal­ vary. There is also such a thing as liv­ ing on the wrong side of Easter. I know that Easter is not a Bible word but we use it for convenience. Thomas was on the right side of the resurrection chronologically but on the wrong side experientially when he demanded visible signs before he would believe. He knew that Jesus was dead. He did not believe that He was alive again. The world today knows that Christ died . . . that is a fact of history. But the world does not believe that He rose again. The Emmaus disciples had heard a report of the resurrection but they had not seen the Lord. He was a re­ port, not a reality, and that is the trouble with a lot of us today. What is factual has not become actual. One cannot live on the memory of a dead Christ. Christianity does not honor a corpse; it hails a conqueror. We do not seek the living among the dead. The angel at the tomb said to the women, “Tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you.” He is not behind us in a grave, He is ahead of us.

A ONCE-A-WEEK RELIGION There are Christians who believe doctrinally that our Lord arose, but in experience they live on the wrong side of Easter as though He were still in the grave. They pay Him for­ mal tribute on Sunday but on Mon­ day they live as though He were a corpse in Galilee. They honor Him on Easter and live the rest of the year as though He were a fairy tale. But we share the resurrection with Him. That is the significance of bap­ tism. “ Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in new­ ness of life” (Rom. 6 :4 ). We are dead to sin but alive unto God. How many church members ever under­ stand that? Too many are on the wrong side of Calvary and have not been saved from the penalty of sin. Too many others are on the wrong side of Easter and have not been de­ livered from the power of sin. Some have gone to church for years but have never dreamed that they died and rose with Christ and that, just as He never went back to the grave, so they should not return to sin and the world but be living witnesses to the power of His resurrection. With regard to our departed loved ones we often live on the wrong side of Easter, sorrowing as those who have no hope. To be with Christ is far better. They are not “ lost” if we know where they are. We do not look for them in a grave for we seek not the living among the dead. “Death can hide but not divide; Thou art but on Christ’s other side. Thou art with Christ and Christ with me; United still in Christ are we!” Let us live on the right side of Easter! We need not visit His tomb with the spices of formal respect. We need to be out on the highways, not weeping, but witnessing, for He is not dead but risen. LIVING BETWEEN EASTER AND PENTECOST Finally, consider the tragedy of living on the wrong side of Pente­



APRIL, 1965

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