“ glory has departed” is also made evident by the first listing being “ Amusement Park,” and the third “ Beer Garden.” As one drives through the area where this cult once thrived, looks upon the once-proud mansions, and sees here or there a bearded man making his way across the grounds, he feels he is viewing a decaying miniature kingdom. The great ex pected ingathering of the elect was never completed. The 144,000 are not here. Today, the only time one is likely to find a crowd of any size is during the tourist season, and these people gather only out of curiosity or for entertainment. What happened? Benjamin died! His followers con fidently awaited his resurrection, but they waited in vain. Benjamin had been a fake. The dollars and destinies that had been invested in him would never buy Divine favor. If Jesus Christ had not come forth the Victor over the grave, it is doubtful that the disciples would have built as many buildings or in fluenced as many people as the fol lowers of this false prophet. But when the stone was rolled away and it was discovered that the Saviour had stepped forth in resurrection power, His own were willing to give their lives to preach the gospel o f the Living Christ. It is really no wonder, for here in one great demonstration of the power of God, they were presented with a threefold guarantee which sealed
O n c e , during the French Revolu tion, someone remarked to Tal leyrand, bishop of Autun: “The Christian religion — what is it? It would be easy to start a religion like that.” “Oh, yes,” replied Talleyrand, “ one would only have to get crucified and rise again the third day.” I live in Benton Harbor, Michi gan. This is the home of a once- flourishing cult called “ The House of David,” founded by Benjamin and Mary Purnell. Benjamin took upon himself the momentous job of re gathering (spiritual) Israel. I’m not sure what gave Benjamin the idea that this was the land of milk and honey, but he was able to convince a goodly number of people that he was endued with an heaven ly anointing. So they came from far and near to join his movement. Each one who came believed him self to be one of the 144,000 whom Benjamin had been sent to gather. It almost seems a shame that Charles T. Russell (founder of Je hovah’s Witnesses) did not unite with Benjamin since they were both looking for the same people. That Benjamin and his bearded buddies made quite an impression in this city is evident by the fourteen headings under “House of David” still remaining in the city phone di rectory. However, the fact that the
"R u t now in Christ risen from the dead, and become the tirstfruits of them that slept.” ( I C o r in t h ia n s 1 5 :2 0 )
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