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Can A n Intel l igent
Person Be l i eve The Bible?
by Louis T. Talbot, D.D. Chancellor of Biola's Five Schools
of the ancient past are just as poig nant and vital to the men of today as they were to the men of Moses’ day. Even the most casual observer o f our times, who knows this Book of books, has recognized how, in this present hour, the steady stream of world his tory, especially in Europe and in Asia, is fast running into the mold of God’s prophetic message. The careful student of Scripture is amazed to see how up-to-date the Bible is. THE BOOK TESTED AND TRIED IN A DAY OF RATIONALISM, SKEPTICISM, AND GODLESSNESS In this day of infidelity, skepti cism, agnosticism, and to say noth ing of godless indifference to the things of Christ—our young people are often told that no intelligent per son believes the Bible to be the in fallible, inerrant Word of God. This is one of the most subtle contentions
of the hour. I am constantly coming in contact with people—young, mid dle-aged, and old—who say that they cannot become Christians because the cannot accept the Bible as the Word of God. There never was a time when peo ple had more reason to believe that the Bible is God’s Word than they do in this present hour. Why do we make such a declaration? Because the sacred Scriptures hold the only message of hope for a sin-weary, war-torn world; because they have stood the test of centuries; and be cause.they stand the test of so-called intellectuals in this enlightened age. God wants all of us to be intelligent Christians. He desires that we should be able to give a “ reason for the hope” that is within us. My friend, if you believe the Bible just because your mother or father taught you to believe it, if you have no other reason for believ-
IN THIS DAY OF INFIDELITY, RA TIONALISM, SKEPTICISM, LIBERALISM, AND OTHER FORMS OF UNBELIEF, CAN AN INTELLIGENT PERSON BELIEVE THE BIBLE TO BE THE INFALLIBLE, IN- ERRANT WORD OF GOD? We are living in one of the most momentous, tragic, uncertain pe riods of the world’s history. The most outstanding of our nation’s leaders dare not prophesy what a day may bring forth. However, I hold in my hand a Book that lifts the veil which conceals from us the future; and makes known, in no un certain terms, the significance of world affairs, as well as how this age will end — governmentally, po litically, religiously, and morally. The Bible is the most up-to-date Book in all the world. The grass withers, and the flowers fade, but the Word of God abides forever. It is a Book that never grows old. It is eternal, yet ever new. Its messages
A PRIL, 1965
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