King's Business - 1965-04

D r . T o t r b o t ’ s Q u e s t io n

B o x

the punishment of fire that is eternal. No one ever spoke words more solemn in regard to the destiny of the wicked than did the Lord Jesus. His statements pluck up by the roots all such teaching as annihilation of the wicked and universalism. Take, for instance, His words in Matthew 25:46, “ And these shall go away into eternal punishment: but the righteous into eternal life” (R.V.). Every effort has been made to make the word eternal mean something else besides what it obviously does mean. But it is the same Greek word that is translated eternal in connec­ tion with the destiny of the right­ eous. Universalists have attempted to show that the Greek aionion means simply “age-long,” implying tha t there will be a limit to the punish­ ment of the wicked. However, the same word is used seventy-two times in the New Testament: three times, about the eternity of the existence of God; three times about the Holy Spirit; four times about heaven; and sixty-two times, about the destiny of the wicked. Surely this startling fact speaks for itself! And surely God has not failed to warn man of the consequences of rejecting the only Saviour from sin! Yet again, the words of the Lord Jesus in John 3 :36 settle the ques­ tion once for all: “ He that believeth on the Son hath eternal life; but he that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him.” The words “ shall not see life” put an end to the argument of universalists; while the words “ the wrath of God abideth on him” put an end to annihilation; for abideth is in the present progressive tense. The wrath of God could not “ abide” on someone who does not exist because he had been annihilated. THE BLESSED HOPE Q. Recently I saw a church letter­ head containing this statement of creed: “ We believe in the blood, the book, and the blessed hope." Now I know the blood refers to Christ’s

SALVATION OF JEWS Q. What is your idea as to the Jews’ salvation—as individuals—as a peo­ ple? A. The Scriptures teach that there is no difference between Jew and Gen­ tile. As individuals, Jews are to be saved through the Gospel the same as Gentiles; as a nation, the people of Israel are set aside for the time being, “ until the fulness of the Gen­ tiles be come in.” This is the same as saying, until the Church, which is the body of Christ, is completed. When that will be, no man can tell. It may be at any moment that the Church will be completed and be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. All the promises concerning the Jews will be fulfilled in due time. ISRAEL AND THE LAND Q. Was there ever a time in the his­ tory of the Israelites when they actu­ ally took possession of the entire “promised land?” A. No. In the days of Solomon the land was put under tribute, perhaps in its entirety, but this by no means fulfills the promise of God with ref­ erence to Israel’s occupation of the whole land. This will be accomplished in connection with our Lord’s second advent. The present government does not even occupy the holy places. LITERAL HELL? Q. Do you believe in a literal place of burning hell and torture for all the wicked? If so, how do you recon­ cile that doctrine with the love of God? A. The only way I have of knowing what God will do is by observing what He has done in the past, and by turning to His Word to see what He says He will do in the future. From Jude 5-7 I learn something of His dealings with “ the angels which kept not their first estate” ; of the terrible judgment that befell Sodom and Gomorrah, and how the inhabi­ tants of those wicked cities suffer

death on Calvary and no doubt the book is the Bible, but what is the blessed hope? Is it the hope of salva­ tion? A. No. The expression, “ the blessed hope” is derived from Titus 2:13 where Paul the Apostle speaks of “ Looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.” As the word blessed means happy, the coming of Christ a second time should be looked upon as the most joyous event which can ever occur. It was a great incentive to the early church. Paul, writing to the Thessa- lonians, said, “Ye turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God and to wait for His Son from heav­ en.” After describing the details of this blessed hope in I Thessalonians 4:13-18, Paul also stated: “Where­ fore comfort one another with these words.” It was this hope of the per­ sonal, imminent return of the Lord Jesus which carried the early Chris­ tians through the terrible trials, per­ secutions and martyrdoms they en­ dured. It is a great source of concern to me that this blessed hope is not of great comfort to many Christians today. Some Bible teachers are con­ fusing this teaching which was so clear to the early church and so plain­ ly taught by Paul and other writers of the New Testament. Consequently, thousands are being deprived of the joy they could have in anticipation of Christ’s return. It is the incen­ tive too to faithful, untiring labors for Christ. Nothing will so inspire us to get the task of reaching the world for Him finished as the prospect of His near return. Nothing will so spur us on to holy living. John in his first Epistle wrote: “ Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall b e ; but we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth him­ self even as he is pure.” There is no greater thrill than the blessed hope of seeing our Lord face to face.



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