King's Business - 1965-04

What does the new federal program mean to Christian education? Write for the free booklet CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS IN THE GREAT SOCIETY


“ ■ THINK I ’LL BE MOVING ON,” he | said. “ But where are you go­ ing? his friend asked. “ I just don’t know,” was his reply. An uneasy, puzzled expression came over his face. He did know why! His Chris­ tian friend was sure that there was a conscious cause for this restless­ ness and “ escape” activity. The conversation was continued hesitatingly, but after a time he con­ fided to his Christian friend that some years before he had become in­ volved in some serious trouble. A sense of depressing guilt had re­ sulted, from which he was constantly trying to escape. At times it seemed it was gone. Then again he would awaken at night to find that again it had caught up with him. The Christian declared, “ There is an escape from this. God has pro­ vided a way. You may have done all in your power to right the wrong committed, but you still need to re­ ceive God’s forgiveness for your sin was first against Him. Read this carefully,” he said, turning to a Bible verse. “ ‘For God "sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved’ (John 3:18). This is the way to escape from your depression and condemnation. It is God’s way to deal with it.” Together the two men bowed their heads in prayer. The refugee from condemnation and guilt came to the great Physician and received His healing touch. Not only was he freed from guilt, but also he became aware of a new sense of freedom and peace. It was another miracle of re­ lease and freedom. “ If the Son shall make you free, ye shall be free in­ deed” (John 8:36). Your friend or neighbor may be haunted by a similar depressing sense of guilt. If you know Jesus Christ as your Saviour, you have the answer for him, and you should give him your aid. “ For He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him” (II Corinthians 5:21).

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A P R IL, 1965


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