King's Business - 1965-04

Classified Ads 15 CENTS PER WORD — MINIMUM $3.00 Bi^los and Books Scofield Bible Retail and Wholesale — All Editions — Fresh Stock — Gold Stamping — Thumb Index — Fowler's Christian Book Store, 113 Main Street, Hamburg, •New York 14075. RELIGIOUS BOOKS PURCHASED — Any size library. Send list, or write for details. Baker Book House, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan. Bibles Rebound Write for illustrated price list from Nation's largest Bible rebinding specialists. Work Guaran­ teed. Norris Bookbinding Co., 122 Stone, Greenwood, Mississippi. Music Correct and singable hymn music, composed, ar­ ranged, edited and printed. Folders tree. Ray­ mond Iden (KB), Mount Vernon, Ohio. Help Wanted Large Rescue Mission needs additional staff workers. Single or married. Board, room, com­ pensation. Write P.O. Box 202, Seattle 11, Wash. FREE TO MINISTERS: Sample new magazine for preachers, SHEPHERD'S STAFF (outlines, etc.). Editor Ward Chandler. Write Box 5056, Pasadena, California. W A N T E D ! ! Used ears for use by Missionaries on furlough. In donating your used car for this worthwhile purpose, you will receive a tax-deductible receipt for top re­ tail value. Write: ASSISTANCE IN MISSIONS, Inc. Box 3232, Glendale, Calif. ROOM RESERVATION N o t e : Please fill in as much infor­ mation as possible Name .................................................... | Address ......................................................................... City ............................................................................... Arrival Date ............................................................... i Day of Week ........................................................ Time of Day ............................................................ Accommodation Desired With Bath ........... | Without Bath ................. Amount enclosed as confirmation of reservation $.................... Number of Guests ............... Adults ............... Children ..........Plan to Stay: Day(s) ................. I I Week ............... Month ,............. Desire Infor- | mation Concerning Permanent Residence See advertisement on opposite page


“Be content with such things as ye have, for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee, so that we may boldly say, The Lord is my Helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me.” — H ebrew s 1 3:5, 6 If I should lose some priceless thing I loved and treasured long, Why should I weep? Beneath Thy wing I sing redemption's song! In God Himself I'm fully blest, For whom have I but Thee? I know that all is for the best. And that's enough for me! When danger lifts a frowning face, Or deadly -foes assail, Jehovah is my hiding place, I rest within the vail! Why should I fear the hosts of pride? My refuge is in Thee— I know the Lord is on my side, And that's enough for me! So, all is well! Whate'er betide, The Lamb is on the Throne— I triumph through the crucified, I boast in God alone! Now raised by grace to Heaven above, I'm seated there with Thee— I'm loved with everlasting love, And that's enough for me! If dear ones whom I loved below Should leave me here— alone— The Living One will never go, And He is on the Throne! Thy love, my God, such sweetness gives, I'm satisfied with Thee; I know that my Redeemer lives, And that's enough for me! Should fame and reputation fail. And some who deemed me true Account me false, I shall prevail, For truth will have her due! Why should I court the world's applause? My judgment is with Thee— I know my God will plead my cause, And that's enough for me! If one on whom I leaned for aid Should prove a broken reed, Why should I fret or be afraid? My God supplies my need! Dear Lord, I cannot be deceived, My faith holds fast to Thee— I know the One Whom I've believed, And that's enough for me! And should mine enemy accuse. And cover me with guilt, One Word of God I always use— "For me Thy Blood was spilt!" Yes, justice plunged His flaming sword, Oh, Spotless Lamb, in Thee; Thy dying was enough for God, And that's enough for me!

Land o f Promise Heavens Declare Broken Fragments George Muller Story Crisis in Morality India's Sorrow Siam

I Saw Petra Land Time Forgot Missing Missionaries My Life to Live Africa Awakes Terror in Malaya Teen to Teen


Phone: 691-1163 BIOLA H IM r 13800 BI0U AVE. J U MIRADA, CALIF. HO. 9-5883 766-2479 (ßctLulo ORIENTAL RUG (J n CLEANERS Largest in the West 545 N. Western Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. SY. 7-5173 know Y O U R Evangelical Teacher Training Association Official Certificate (awarded by E.T.T.A. upon completion) Preliminary Certificate Course, 6 Units $3.50 per Unit .................... 6 Units $17.00 Advanced Certificate Course $3.50 per Unit ....--------------- 6 Units $17.00 Bible Study Courses Christ in the Tabernacle (Talbot) ..... $ 6.50 The Bible Says .....r, - n , 1.00 Studies in the Gospels ................................ 6.50 The Book of Acts ................. 3.50 The Book of Ephesians .............................. 5.50 BIBLE GEOGRAPHY (includes Atlas) 11.00 Bible Prophecy Courses The Minor Prophets, 5 Units (Feinberg) 16.50 The Prophecies of Daniel (Talbot) ___ _ 6.50 ' The Book of Revelation (Talbot) _______ .6.50 Bible Doctrine Courses Bible Foundations ........................................ 3.00 Practical Bible Doctrine ...»......................... 2.50 Studies in Romans (Thomas) .................. 7.00 Biola Correspondence School Dept. KB4 558 S. Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, Calif.

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