King's Business - 1965-04

A Milestone in New Testament translation! ?F. F. BRUCE

Rachel Saint of Wycliffc Bible Trans­ lators, has translated the Gospel of Mark in Auca, which has just re­ cently com e off the press. Miss Saint’s brother Nate and four other missionary companions were killed by the spears of the very A'ucas who are now receiving these Scriptures with joy. All five of the Auca men who killed the missionaries have be-

Dr. R. Kenneth Strachan, general di­ rector of the Latin America Mission, died February 23, at the age of 54. Dr. Strachan had been in Pasadena, California teaching at Fuller Theo­ logical Seminary as visiting profes­ sor of Christian missions. He leaves his widow and six children. Follow­ ing memorial services in Pasadena, Dr. Strachan was buried in Costa Rica. Dr. Oswald J. Smith of The Peoples Church, Toronto, Canada, recently held an Island-wide campaign in the capital city of Trinidad in the West Indies. Jimmie McDonald, noted Negro soloist, toured with Dr. Smith. Crown Princess Beatrix of Holland participated in the dedication of Trans World Radio’s new 810,000 watt superpower station in Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles. Governor Mor- kos of Bonaire introduced the Prin­ cess. Also participating in the cere­ monies recently, was Dr. Eugene R. Bertermann, noted Lutheran Clergy­ man, and Dr. Paul E. Freed, president and founder of Trans World Radio. With the addition of the new Bonaire station, Trans World Radio will be operating with more than one mil­ lion watts of transmitter power — making it one of the most extensive

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■ ■ ¡ H i THE LETTERS OF PAUL art expanded paraphrase F. F. Bruce Bruce here offers his own translation of Paul's letters in a most useful and practical form. Set opposite is the complete text of the English Revised Version, which accur­ ately reproduces the nuances and follows the idiom of the original text as closely as possible. The Epistles are arranged chrono­ logically, and each letter is preceded by a chapter in Bruce’s continuous narrative of the life of Paul. Inclusion of the Fuller References (compiled by Scrivener, Moulton and Greenup) makes this volume a unique self-contained comparison, a system which makes the Scripture its own commentary. This certainly will prove to be one of the most important works of F. F. Bruce, Ry- lands Professor of Biblical Criticism and Exegesis at the University of Manchester, England.

com e baptized believers. Pictured above is Gikita, who thrust the first spear in the massacre of the five mis­ sionaries. Dyuwi, another one of the five, and three other young Christian Aucas presently are planning to reach their savage down-river rela­ tives with the newly-published Gos­ pel of Mark. The Auca Gospel of Mark was printed in Mexico at the newly - constructed headquarters of Wycliffe Bible Translators and the Summer Institute of Linguistics. Joseph B. Bubar, general director of Christian Service Brigade, told of a Day of Prayer for Boys which was held recently. The desperate need for Christian men in places of leadership prompted this observance. Interces­ sion was made for boys, for Chris­ tian men who- are guiding them and for the ministry of boys’ club organi­ zations around the world. Christian Service Brigade is an organization of men and boys banded together to win boys to Christ and train them for His service. Through a weekly activity and training program, a graded system of achievement ranks and related activities, such as sports and camping, Brigade seeks to aid boys grow into mature Christian manhood. James A. Fenton has been appointed headmaster of Wheaton Academy to succeed John F. Blanchard, Jr., who leaves to devote full time to the Na­ tional Association of C h r is tia n Schools. Mr. Fenton is presently headmaster of Grand River Academy in Austinburg, Ohio. The appoint­ ment is. effective September 1.

radio networks in the world. Pic­ tured above is a panoramic view of the Bonaire installation as seen from the 760-foot medium wave antenna tower. To the right is the power plant building. To the left are the engineering offices in the front and the larger transmitter building be­ hind it. Rising skyward behind the transmitter building are the antenna towers supporting an international curtain antenna for shortwave broad­ casts to Europe, Russia, and North Africa. (continued on page 42) TH E KING 'S BUSINESS

324 pages, cloth, $4.95

IK WM . B. EERDMANS PUBLISHING CO. Grand Rapids, Michigan

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