King's Business - 1965-04


If Christ be not risen, mine is the loss, For futile is the faith within my heart. My hope is gone; I left it at the cross The day He died. I, too, then died in part. If Christ be not risen, I needs must die. For His redeeming work is incomplete. To conquer over sin, and death deny, A living Christ must overpower defeat. If Christ be .not risen, His Book is vain, For doubt would throw its shadow on the Word. The sinless life He lived would just remain T h e story of a man, to some absurd. If Christ be not risen, 0 but He is! His resurrection fills the world with joy. My faith is strong, eternity is His And sin has lost its power to destroy. The risen Christ is in our midst today. Glad anthems of the church defy the grave. While Christians bow their grateful heads to pray, No longer does the fear of death enslave. — Gwen Roberts Boyer If Easter be not true, Then all the lilies low must lie; The Flanders poppies fade and die; The spring must lose her fairest bloom For Christ were still within the tomb . . . If Easter be not true. If Easter be not true. Then faith must mount on broken wing; Then hope no more immortal spring; Then hope must lose her mighty urge; Life prove a phantom, -death a dirge . . . If Easter be not true. If Easter be not true, 'Twere foolishness the cross to bear; He dies in vain who suffered there; What matter though we laugh or cry, Be good or evil, live or die. If Easter be not true? If Easter be not true . . . But it is true, and Christ is risen! And mortal spirit from its prison Of sin and death with Him may rise! Worthwhile the struggle, sure the prize. Since Easter, aye, is true! — Henry H. Barstow IF EASTER BE NOT TRUE

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APRIL, 1965

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