ReboundPT_Physical Therapy & Women's Health

Urinary incontinence has a reputation of being something only little old ladies have. But many young people get urinary incontinence. And while more women than men are affected, men can have urinary problems too, especially after prostate surgery. Fortunately, there are many treatments for urinary incontinence.



Urinary incontinence has a reputation of being something only little old ladies have. But many young people get urinary incontinence. And while more women than men are affected, men can have urinary problems too, especially after prostate surgery. Fortunately, there are many treatments for urinary incontinence. (Continued inside)


BEHAVIORAL TREATMENT Some people with urinary incontinence may get relief by making simple lifestyle changes. If you have stress incontinence, for instance, in which you leak urine when you cough, sneeze, or laugh, your physical therapist may tell you to limit how much you drink. If you have urge incontinence, in which you get the sudden urge to urinate and can’t always make it to the bathroom in time, your physical therapist may tell you to avoid spicy foods, caffeine, and carbonated drinks, because they can irritate the bladder and make the problem worse. Exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, known as Kegels, can sometimes help people with stress incontinence. Kegels can also help people with urge incontinence. Sometimes, Kegels are combined with biofeedback techniques to help you know if you are doing the exercises properly. For urge incontinence, bladder training, sometimes called bladder retraining, can also help. This involves gradually increasing the interval time between trips to the bathroom, working up to longer and longer intervals between bathroom stops. DEVICES AND ABSORBENT PRODUCTS Protective pads and panty liners can help avoid embarrassing situations. A pessary, a plastic device inserted into the vagina, may help prevent urine leakage by supporting the neck of the bladder; it is most useful for stress incontinence. INSIDE: • How a Physical Therapist Can Treat Pelvic Pain • Patient Success Spotlight • Exercise Essentials: Pelvic Strengthening • Featured Service: Women's Health Program • Free Women's Health Workshop: Safe Exercise During Pregnancy


Mild to moderate cases of common types of incontinence can be cured or greatly improved by behavioral or exercise therapy. We can also teach you habits and techniques to reduce urgency and urge incontinence (or leaking with a strong urge on the way to the bathroom). Even periodic incontinence is not something you have to deal with. We can help! INCONTINENCE, CHRONIC PELVIC PAIN, & PHYSICAL THERAPY A physical therapist is highly skilled in evaluating and treating various musculoskeletal and neurological conditions affecting the body. This profession focuses on assessing any underlying factors, such as strength, neuromuscular control, balance, coordination, skeletal alignment, and endurance, which may be contributing to impaired functional mobility, activity participation, and quality of life. Of course, most people only seek physical therapy when they’re suffering from a common injury or condition such as whiplash, tendonitis, low back pain, ligament sprains, and plantar fasciitis. Perhaps lesser known is that chronic pelvic pain and dysfunction, including incontinence, can also respond positively to physical therapy intervention. CAUSES OF INCONTINENCE AND CHRONIC PELVIC PAIN If you have pain in your pelvis, it may not always be fully clear what’s causing it. Some common causes of

pelvicfloordysfunctionandchronicpelvicpain include, but are not limited to: • Pregnancy • Sacroiliac joint dysfunction • Coccydynia • Irritationof thepudendalnerve (whichoriginatesnear the bottom of your spine) • Irritable bowel syndrome • Levator ani syndrome (increased tension in pelvic floor muscles) • Post-surgical complications (e.g., pain following a hysterectomy, hernia repair, cesarean section, and/ or prostatectomy) Any of these conditions may lead to inadequate supportof theorganscontainedwithyourpelviccavity, increasedpressureor inflammationofnerves,muscles, and other connective tissues (including your bladder), and impaired pelvic bone alignment.These symptoms canbe frustrating,painful,andembarrassing,andmay limit your tolerance to daily participation in desired activities, including exercise. Other symptoms frequently appear with pelvic pain, including incontinence, bloating, abdominal pressure, reluctance tostrainwhiledefecating,andpain in the low back,buttocks,andhips.Youmayalsohavedecreased tolerance to a variety of activities including sitting or standing, walking, exercise, and sexual intercourse.


long-lasting relief without the need from invasive interventions or medications, consider consulting with a physical therapist today.

Every patient presenting with chronic pelvic pain is unique. Ifyoucome toseeaphysical therapist foryour pelvic dysfunction, you’ll be taken through a thorough physicalexaminationandpatienthistoryquestionnaire. He or she will ask you specific questions about your pain, what makes it worse and better, and whether you have a history of any related issues. Based on the resultsof theexamination,yourphysical therapistcan then develop a customized treatment plan to relieve yoursymptomsandaddress thesuspectedunderlying causes to prevent recurring dysfunction.

tension and provide pain relief

• Spinal and sacroiliac joint manipulations to reset the neurological pathway, relieve pain, and restore normal spinal alignment. • Electrical stimulation modalities, such as neuromuscularelectricalstimulation toprovidepain relief and restore normal neuromuscular activation of pelvic floor muscles and nerves. • Therapeuticexercises to restore thenormalstrength, flexibility, and endurance of stabilizing postural muscles in the low back and hips. Struggling with pelvic pain? Frustrated and concerned about incontinence? For both short-term and

Call us today (Hillsdale 785-271-5533, South Clinic 785-266-5850) to learn more about our women's health programs and how you can find relief from pelvic pain and urinary incontinence. ain&src=IE-TopResult&FORM=IETR02&conversationid=

Common physical therapy treatments may include:

• Soft tissue mobilization and massage of internal and external pelvic musculature, to relieve muscle

HEALTHY RECIPE Roasted Cauliflower & Chickpea Soup

Exercise Essentials Try this simple exercise to relieve incontinence.

• 1/8 tsppaprika • 2mediumYukongoldpotatoes,peeled andcubed • 1/4 tspblackpepper • 4cupsvegetablebroth • 1cupwater • 1/2cupheavycream ForGarnish • Reserved roastedcauliflowermix

Pelvic Strengthening

RELIEVE INCONTINENCE Sit in a chair with tall, relaxed posture. Slowly and gradually contract your pelvic floor until you reach maximum strength. Then slowly return to your relaxed position. Hold for 3-5 seconds and repeat 5 times.

• 1cauliflowerhead,cut intoflorets • 1 (15oz)canchickpeas • 5garliccloves,peeled • 4 tbspextra-virginoliveoil • 1 tspgroundcumin • 1/2 tspsalt

• Redpepperflakes • Fresh thyme leaves • Heavycream

INSTRUCTIONS Pre-heat your oven to 400 degrees. On a baking sheet, toss cauliflower florets, chickpeas and garlic cloves with 3 tbsp of olive oil and cumin, salt and paprika. Roast in the oven for 30 min, stirring once half way through. Remove from oven and set aside. Reserve about 1/2 cup for the garnish. Meanwhile, heat 1 tbsp of olive oil in large pot over medium heat. Add cubed potatoes and black pepper. Cook for 2 min, stirring frequently. Add vegetable broth and water and increase heat to bring mixture to a boil. Once boiling, turn heat down to simmer for about 15-20 min until potatoes are very soft. Remove pot from the heat and stir in roasted cauliflower mix. Puree the soup using an immersion blender, food processor, or blender, working in batches if necessary. Return pureed soup to the stovetop and gently re-warm it. Stir in heavy cream. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Garnish with reserved roasted cauliflower mix, red pepper flakes, fresh thyme leaves and drizzle of heavy cream.


Patient Success Spotlight

Women's Health Program

Pregnancy-Related Low Back Pain Changes in the body due to pregnancy can greatly increase back strain and causediscomfort.Withpropereducation about posture, movement modification, stretching and strengthening, pain can becontrolledduringandafterpregnancy. Pelvic Pain Pelvic pain can be greatly reduced or eliminated with manual therapy and therapeutic exercises by resetting the resting tone of the muscles and through biofeedback. Whether your symptoms includepainwith intercourse,urinationor just sitting, we can teach you the proper techniques to help alleviate your pain. Managing pelvic pain can help reduce disruptions in your active lifestyle and reducestressonyoursexual relationship. Call us today to learn more about our Women's Health Program and how we can help restore your life.

Our staff is committed to helping women resume an active lifestyle without restriction or pain. Due to lack of information, many women believe they need to live with symptoms that can be debilitating and frustrating. In many cases, the physical changes in the body which can cause these symptoms respond well to physical therapy treatment. Urinary Incontinence Increased frequency of urination and involuntary loss of bladder control can dramatically limit ones lifestyle. We utilize techniques such as therapeutic exercises, biofeedback, resetting the resting tone of the muscle and education as an effective treatment. Our exercise approach goes beyond pelvic floor exercises to address the entire support system for the bladder.

"...I felt like a completely new person. Completing physical therapy has truly changed my everyday life." "Starting out, I was very hesitant. I really didn't know if this would work. Well, I was wrong! The first few weeks were tough and painful but the last few weeks I felt like a completely new person. Completing physical therapy has truly changed my everyday life. I am so grateful. I feel like I finally have my life back. Thank you, and a huge thank you to Christina for all the help she gave me along the way, and for teaching me how to understand my body and how it works."

Free Workshop! Helping You Help Yourself Workshop

Discover How To Live Pain-Free!

WOMEN'S HEALTH: SAFE EXERCISE DURING PREGNANCY Presented by Christina Bausch, DPT & Jebel Odgers, PTA Thursday, April 30th | 6:30PM @ Our Hillsdale Clinic, 5220 SW 17th Street •Doyouwonderwhatkindofexercise todo andhow itaffects thebodywhenyou'repregnant? •Doyouknowwhatexercisesareunsafe toperformduringpregnancy? •Have thechanges toyourbodyduringpregnancymade it challenging toexerciseand takecareofyourself likeyouwant to? Join us for a FREE Workshop to learn: • The importanceofexerciseduringpregnancy. • Thecommonexercises thatmaynotbesafeduringpregnancy. • Specificexamplesofexercises thataresafeandeffectiveduringpregnancy. • ThebenefitsofworkingwithaWomen’sHealthPhysicalTherapist togetand keepyouhealthyduringpregnancy. Please call our Hillsdale Clinic (5220 SW 17th Street) at (785) 271-5533 to register today!

At Rebound Physical Therapy, you will receive hands-on therapy treatments by our friendly, caring, health experts during focused and individualized sessions.





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