Histamine and other chemicals released as an immune response causes a range of allergy signs and symptoms. In some реор l е f оо d а ll е rg у can cause severe ѕу m р t о m ѕ or even a l і f е -thr еа t е n і ng r еас t іо n kn о wn as а n ар h у l а x іѕ . F оо d allergy affects а n еѕ t і m а t е d 6 to 8% о f children und е r а g е 3 , and up to 3% of а dult ѕ . As there’s no such specific treatment for the food allergy they may lasts in children as they get older. Following are some allergic responses caused as a result of food allergy: Dripping nose

Itchy eyes Dry throat Rashes and hives Nausea Diarrhoea Laboured breathing Watery eyes Congestion Headaches Sneezing Fatigue Migraines Irritable bowel Colitis Auto-immune diseases Hyperactivity Asthma Eczema Anaphylactic shock

If any one have severe food allergy, even a tiny amount of food may trigger an allergic reaction. Anaphylaxis begins as soon as a person eats allergic food. Less commonly, symptoms may begin hours later. It also happens in 25% of patients that they may experience a second wave of symptoms just after their initial symptoms subsides. This is called biphasic anaphylaxis. Main Food products that causes food allergy The majority of food allergies are triggered by: Milk It's the most common food that induces allergy. The lactose present in milk is the the main cause of allergy.

Nuts:Peanuts,Tree nuts, such as walnuts and pecans The nuts can drive you nuts when it comes to allergy. Allergic reactions begin just after you munch a handful of peanuts. Wheat, barley, rye They are grouped up together for a reason. All these foods contain a thing called gluten which induces allergy.

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