Structural Condition
Boulder Fire Station No. 2 is a two-story building with a wood-framed hip-roofed and clay brick masonry walls. Elevations and a Historic Structures Report prepared by CSC in 1987 were available during this assessment; however, no structural drawings, original or otherwise, were available. The structural systems are described below based on site observations and documentation of the structure. Foundation The foundation was not exposed or observed below grade, so the depth and presence of footings are unknown. However they are likely continuous concrete or masonry strip footings. Overall, the foundation appears to be in good condition based on the overall system performance; no step cracking in the above-ground masonry walls related to foundation settlement was observed. Roof Framing The structure has a hip roof with a 7:12 pitch and a gable dormer on the north elevation. The roof framing consists of wood trusses built of 2x4 members spaced at 24” on center. The roof is sheathed with original ¾” board skip sheathing overlaid with a newer layer of OSB. The roof is in good condition; there is no sagging or deflection to indicate structural deficiencies. The wood framing appears to be in good physical condition showing no signs of deterioration. Wall Construction The building’s perimeter walls consist of load bearing multi-wythe red clay brick with red sandstone headers, sills, and water tables. The mortar joints appear to consist of soft lime-based mortar. The brick is in a running bond pattern with no visible header courses. It is likely that there are blind diagonal headers, which was typical construction for brick walls in this era. The brick and stone are in overall good condition and exhibit weathering consistent with their age. There are cracks located at brick supported over the large transom window and at the first-floor entry door. The chimney’s mortar joints exhibit more weathering than the rest of the building.
Figure 1-28. Front of Fire Station No. 2, 2020 (source: JVA)
Figure 1-29. Fire escape on east side of building, 2020 (source: JVA)
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