Boulder Historic Places Plan

TREATMENT Introduction and Overview

Rehabilitation is the treatment approach for Roney Farmhouse. This approach emphasizes the preservation and repair of the property, and allows for adaptive reuse and the addition of compatible modifications. This section provides actions and recommendations to guide the holistic preservation and rehabilitation of the Roney Farmhouse to ensure its future as a valued local landmark. Treatment guidance is based upon review of historic documentation, assessment of condition and integrity, and in support of current and planned futures uses. This section provides integral treatment actions that will protect character-defining features, and repair features and the setting. Treatment recommendations identify where repair is needed to reveal historic features, retain character, and maintain integrity. Work planned for the Roney Farmhouse shall be guided by The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties and accomplished by using accepted preservation methods detailed by the National Park Service, and Chapter 9-11 (Historic Preservation) of the Boulder Revised Municipal Code.

Treatment guidance describes necessary improvements and repairs to repair Roney Farmhouse for future use and to stabilize the structure in the interim.

Rehabilitation is defined as the act or process of making possible a compatible use for a property through repair, alterations, or additions if those portions or features that convey its historic, cultural, or architectural values are preserved. Rehabilitation allows for new additions to be integrated within the study area in a manner that preserves established patterns and features. Additional actions include those that preserve, repair, and retain contributing features and qualities that contribute to the historic character. Guiding Principles Roney Farmhouse is historically significant for its role in the agricultural development history of the Valmont Community, and architecturally significant as an intact example of an early 20th century farmhouse. Roney Farmhouse is characterized by its vernacular hipped-box design, simple wood-framed construction, and prominent front porch. Guiding Principles • Preserve, protect, and repair the Roney Farmhouse’s contributing architectural and structural features including characteristics that contribute to its historic character on the interior and exterior of the structure. • Work with staff and community stakeholders to plan for anticipated new uses and incorporation into the Valmont Park Concept Plan.


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