Boulder Historic Places Plan

Summary of Use

Historic Use Platt Farmhouse property was originally homesteaded by James J. Rhoads who maintained the property until 1872. It is unclear if he or his family ever lived on the property. The property changed ownership multiple times in the 1880s to 1900s until it was purchased by James M. Platt in 1896. Platt Farmhouse was constructed in 1908. The Platt family lived in the farmhouse and operated the farm until the early 1950s. The residence was owned by the Howe Family of Howe Mortuary and Mr. Everett Wiehe before being acquired by the City of Boulder. 15



1872 to 1880s

Property was homesteaded by James J. Rhoads

1886 to early 1950s James Platt begins ownership of the property

Early 1950s to 1976 Howe Family ownership

1976 to 1997

Mr. Wiehe ownership

Current Use Platt Farmhouse was acquired by Boulder Parks and Recreation Department in 1997. When the Parks and Recreation Department purchased the land, they proposed moving the farmhouse to facilitate the construction of a bike park to the north and east of the site. Originally, the farmhouse was located on approximately 25 acres of rural, undeveloped land bounded to the south by Valmont Road, Airport Road to the west, the Boulder County Jail complex to the north, and an industrial site to the east. 16 On March 3, 2011, the Landmarks Board approved a Landmark Alteration Certificate to relocate and restore Platt Farmhouse. On June 3, 2011, the building was relocated, and the bike park construction was completed soon after. 17



1997 to present

Ownership by Boulder Parks and Recreation Department

2011 to present

Building relocated to current site and re-purposed

15 Holthouser, Neil and Ruth McHeyser. Memorandum. City of Boulder Parks Department, 2. 16 Ibid, 4. 17 East Boulder Working Group. East Boulder Inventory and Analysis Report, Boulder, 6.


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