Boulder Historic Places Plan

Treatment Guidance

Treatment guidance provides recommendations for the preservation and repair of Chautauqua Park. This guidance should be followed when undertaking design and planning for Chautauqua Park or when proposing modifications to contributing features. Topography, Spatial Organization and Views Chautauqua Park is the northern source of Colorado Chautauqua NHL, set on a sloping grade that includes Chautauqua Green and the playground and tennis court. • Preserve Chautauqua Park's sloped topography, walls and structures along the northern boundary at Baseline Road. • Preserve prominent views from Chautauqua Park. • Ensure new additions or modifications to existing features and vegetation respect, and do not interfere or diminish Chautauqua Park's composition, topography, or views. • Protect Chautauqua Green’s composition by preserving its characteristic central open lawn with a defined perimeter of mature trees bounded by roads at Clematis Drive and Sumac Drive. • Protect the area of the playground as an original space associated with Chautauqua Park. Circulation Original roads include Clematis Drive, Sumac Drive, Kinnikinic Road, and the entrance at Grant Place. The sidewalk from the King’s Gate to the Dining Hall remains as the primary pedestrian route for Chautauqua Park. • Protect contributing vehicular and pedestrian circulation patterns. • Provide accessible routes and parking for an equitable user experience to access park spaces. Allow designated routes where appropriate and where compatible with contributing features. Ensure accessible parking and accessible pedestrian routes are provided at Chautauqua Green, the playground and tennis court. Structures Rustic structures include The Arbor, Shelter House, King’s Gate, Queen’s Gate and stone walls are contributing features. Stone walls between the Entrance at Grant Street and the Queen’s gate are new additions. • Protect contributing structures–The Arbor and Shelter House–in their original locations. Preserve and repair extant features in-place. • Preserve The Arbor’s extant structural features in-place. ○ Prevent further decay of timber posts by improving drainage. Repair decay at the post bases, with a dutchman replacement. ○ Repair the log rafters as needed with an epoxy consolidant. Maintain coating on logs to prevent deterioration from occurring. Schedule routine maintenance. ○ Walls - Rake deteriorated mortar joints in the walls and repoint with a compatible mortar as determined by a mortar analysis of a sample of the original mortar. Provide periodic maintenance of mortar; consider cleaning lichen from the stone and mortar surfaces with an appropriate cleaner based on a cleaning trial. • Preserve the Shelter House's extant structural features in-place. ○ Trim plants near structure; To improve draining rear structure through regrading and/or installation of a french drain. ○ Rake deterioration mortar joints in the walls and repoint with a compatible mortar. Provide periodic maintenance of mortar; consider cleaning lichen from stone and mortar surfaces with an appropriate cleaner based on a cleaning trial.

○ Floor - Route and grind down any steps in the slab and inject the cracks. ○ Roof Framing - Add steel gussets at the peak of the roof to resist wind up lift.


Chautauqua Park

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