The north-south and east-west oriented roads reinforce the spatial organization. Shade trees are typically planted along this same grid pattern following the roads and paths. Views to the Flatirons connect the cemetery to its context. Circulation Columbia Cemetery’s circulation system is composed of a grid of soft-surface roads and informal pedestrian paths. The roads are approximately 12 feet wide and surfaced with gravel. They were originally designed and established in 1915 for vehicular traffic but are used primarily today as pedestrian paths. Informal pedestrian paths were established early during the period of significance, although it is unconfirmed if today’s informal paths follow the same alignments as the historic routes. Accessibility The cemetery does not meet ADA standards. The gravel and dirt surfacing of the roads and paths are not ADA- compliant, and have ponding and drainage issues. The entry points at the southern and north gates are narrow and the widths do not meet ADA standards. Parking along the roadway does not meet ADA standards for the quantity of daily visitors and the acreage and function of the site. One non-ADA-compliant port-o-let is located near the Maintenance Shed. Structures Pioneer Gateway – This structure is comprised of two stone columns that flank the main vehicular entry. Two swinging entry gates secure the cemetery’s entrance. The two stone columns are carved with lettering and are the cemetery’s original signage. The south column reads ‘Columbia Cemetery’ and the north reads ‘Pioneer Gateway.’ Two large granite boulders are located just inside the cemetery near the gateway. Stone Wall - A low stone wall extends south and west of Pioneer Gateway and retains the street grade along 9th Street. It extends in the opposite direction along Pleasant Street for approximately 30 feet. This wall is in fair condition, with some repair, resetting, and repointing of stones needed. In some places, vegetation threatens the structural integrity of the wall. Maintenance Shed - This shed is a white, rectangular (15’x20’), wood vertical board and batten structure with an asphalt roof. It was originally built circa 1882 and rehabilitated in 2015. Material storage is on its west and north sides. Stone boulders extend from the west side to the north and end at a mature tree. There is overgrown vegetation at the west side along the narrow trench. A low wall is near the east side access. Volunteer Shed – This shed is a rectangular wood and corrugated metal structure with a central breezeway. The shed was built in 2012. It has a small landscaped area and concrete sidewalk at the east side. There is a concrete retaining wall at the south and west sides with corrugated metal siding and a concrete landing at the west end. The building is in good condition but the Chronology plaque is broken and needs to be replaced in-kind.
Figure 1-5. Fence and gate at the southwest corner of the property, 2022 (source: Mundus Bishop)
Figure 1-6. Pioneer Gateway with perennial bed in foreground, 2022 (source: Mundus Bishop)
Columbia Cemetery
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