Boulder Historic Places Plan

Vegetation Groupings of mature deciduous and evergreen trees frame the north, east and west sides of the Bandshell site. At the Bandshell, mature trees define the edges of the sloped concrete terrace. A planting bed of low shrubs along the amphitheater berm defines the southern edge. The south lawn remains mostly open aside from the shade trees that frame the amphitheater. Mature trees include Austrian Pine, Douglas Fir, Northern Red Oak, White Oak, English Oak, Shumard Oak, American Elm, Norway Maple, Silve Maple, Honeylocust, Crabapple, Rocky Mountain Juniper, and American Linden trees. Lawn is the prominent groundcover. Vegetation remains similar to Saco Rienk DeBoer’s landscape design. A backdrop of evergreen and deciduous trees surround the Bandshell amphitheater at the north and east edges of Central Park. Groves of trees frame the amphitheater and screen the park from Canyon Boulevard, Broadway, and 13th Street. Photographs from the 1940s and 1950s indicate that the area in front of the Bandshell's stage was planted with evergreen shrubs. It is unknown when these were removed, but plantings appear in aerial photographs as late as 1984.

Figure 1-8. Amphitheater Seating, 2020 (source: Mundus Bishop)

Figure 1-9. Stone Wall, 2020 (source: Mundus Bishop)

Figure 1-10. Landscaped Berm, 2020 (source: Mundus Bishop)

Figure 1-11. Mature grove of trees along Canyon Boulevard, 2020 (source: Mundus Bishop)


Glen Huntington Bandshell

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