TREATMENT Introduction and Overview
Rehabilitation is the selected treatment approach for Columbia Cemetery, emphasizing its preservation and repair, and allowing for the addition of compatible improvements, where appropriate. Treatment guidance, presented in this section, informs current and future planning and design for Columbia Cemetery based upon this rehabilitation approach. This treatment guidance provides actions and recommendations to guide the holistic stewardship of Columbia Cemetery to ensure its continued use as one of City of Boulder's significant historic resources and as a burial and funerary location. Treatment guidance is based upon review of historic documentation, assessment of condition and integrity, and in support of current and planned future uses. This section provides actions to protect significant cultural resources, and repair contributing features. Treatment recommendations identify where repair is needed to reveal historic features, retain character, and maintain integrity. Future work planned for Columbia Cemetery shall be guided by The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, and accomplished by using accepted preservation methods detailed by the National Park Service, and Chapter 9-11 (Historic Preservation) of the Boulder Revised Municipal Code. Rehabilitation is defined as the act or process of making possible a compatible use for a property through repair, alterations, or additions if those portions or features that convey its historic, cultural, or architectural values are preserved. Rehabilitation allows for new additions to be integrated within the study area in a manner that preserves established patterns and features. Additional actions include those that preserve, repair, and retain contributing features and qualities that contribute to the historic character. Guiding Principles Columbia Cemetery is one of Boulder's earliest cemeteries and the burial place of many persons important to Boulder's history. The historically significant property is a pastoral landscape organized on a geometric grid with rectilinear paths and drives, characterized by mature trees and a wide variety of funerary art that exhibits the artistry associated with the late nineteenth and early-twentieth century. A diverse cross section of the city's population was buried in Columbia Cemetery beginning in the 1870s. The grounds represent the national trend of the rural-garden cemetery movement of the Victorian Era. Guiding Principles • Protect Columbia Cemetery as a distinct composition of spaces, grave markers, plantings and features that create its distinctive historic character. • Preserve, protect, and repair Columbia Cemetery's contributing features and those characteristics that contribute to its historic character, including its park-like setting, grave markers, structures, and ditches. • Continue city-led efforts to document burials and features and share this information with the public. • Continue to maintain and restore grave markers with a qualified conservator.
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