Boulder Historic Places Plan

Vegetation Linear rows of mature deciduous shade trees assist in defining an orchestrated movement of pedestrians and spaces within Pearl Street Mall. Groupings of evergreen trees define spaces and nodes at the end of Pearl Street Mall at 11th Street on the west and 15th Street on the east. Evergreen trees include Austrian, Pine, Mugo Pine and Scotch Pine. Deciduous trees include Pin Oak, Littleleaf Linden, Green Ash, Silver Maple, American Horsechestnut, Honeylocust, Kentucky Coffeetree, Norway Maple, and Bald Cypress. Woody groundcover and shrubs are planted in raised brick planters with evergreen trees. Mature evergreen and deciduous trees, woody groundcover and shrubs are contributing features. Mature trees remain on all four blocks from the original 1977 plantings, with some replacements occurring over time. Replacements include those that planted in-kind with species, similar to those originally planted such as re-plantings of original Honeylocust trees. Annuals and seasonal plantings occur on all four blocks, including the Tulip gardens planted in the 1980s, a tradition that continues today. The 100 hanging baskets are installed annually along with contemporary moveable planters. The annual and seasonal plantings, including the Tulip gardens and hanging baskets, are non-contributing features. Views and Viewsheds The orientation of the Pearl Street Mall capitalized on and orchestrated views west towards the Boulder Flatirons and western foothills outside the city. All contribute to its significance. Each block on Pearl Street Mall has

Figure 1-29. Raised planter with groundcover and shrubs, 2020 (source: Mundus Bishop)

Figure 1-30. Mature canopy of both deciduous and evergreen trees, 2020 (source: Mundus Bishop)


Pearl Street Pedestrian Mall

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