Boulder Historic Places Plan

TREATMENT Introduction and Overview

Rehabilitation is the selected treatment approach for Pearl Street Mall, emphasizing its preservation and repair, and allowing for the addition of compatible improvements, where appropriate. Treatment guidance, presented in this section, informs current and future planning and design for Pearl Street Mall based upon this rehabilitation approach. This treatment guidance provides actions and recommendations to guide it’s the holistic stewardship of Pearl Street Mall to ensure its future as the City of Boulder’s premiere linear urban park and pedestrian mall, and one of downtown’s most important public spaces. Treatment guidance is based upon review of historic documentation, assessment of condition and integrity, and in support of current and planned futures uses. This section provides actions to protect significant cultural resources, and repair features and contributing features and setting. Treatment recommendations identify where repair is needed to reveal historic features, retain character, and maintain integrity. Future work planned for Pearl Street Mall shall be guided by The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, and accomplished by using accepted preservation methods detailed by the National Park Service, and Chapter 9-11 (Historic Preservation) of the Boulder Revised Municipal Code. Rehabilitation is defined as the act or process of making possible a compatible use for a property through repair, alterations, or additions if those portions or features that convey its historic, cultural, or architectural values are preserved. Rehabilitation allows for new additions to be integrated within the study area in a manner that preserves established patterns and features. Additional actions include those that preserve, repair, and retain contributing features and qualities that contribute to the historic character.

Guiding Principles

Pearl Street Mall is downtown Boulder’s most vibrant park and gathering space, and its center of commerce and business. The architecturally and historically significant pedestrian mall is a linear urban public space encompassing four blocks of Pearl Street — from 11th Street on the west to 15th Street on the east, extending from building facade to building facade. A consistent ground plane of brick paving – a defining characteristic of Pearl Street Mall – connects all four blocks. Nodes for play, public art and gathering punctuate the linear pedestrian mall within each block and include the broad open lawn of Boulder County Courthouse. Rows of shade trees line sections of Pearl Street Mall and groves of mature evergreen and deciduous trees highlight entrances. Custom-designed kiosks, light fixtures and signage are integral components. Pearl Street Mall is Boulder’s only pedestrian mall and one of the few remaining extant pedestrian malls in the country. Guiding Principles • Protect and enhance Pearl Street Mall as a distinct composition of spaces, plantings and experiences connected by its consistent, characteristic ground plane of brick paving. • Preserve, protect and repair Pearl Street Mall’s contributing features and those characteristics that contribute to its historic character including brick paving, nodes of play and gathering, public art, objects, structures, small-scale features and vegetation. • Maintain and enhance the variety of park and gathering uses and experiences offered with Pearl Street Mall.


Pearl Street Pedestrian Mall

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