Boulder Historic Places Plan

INTEGRITY The integrity of Boyd Smelter/Mill Site has been assessed to determine if the characteristics that shaped the original construction within its period of significance (1874 to 1918) are present as they were historically. Integrity is evaluated according to seven aspects or qualities: location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, and association. Boyd Smelter/Mill Site retains integrity in location and setting, and in materials and workmanship for its extant features. Boyd Smelter/Mill Site has diminished integrity in feeling and association as most above- grade features no longer exist. Although many extant structures were covered by fill material in the 1960s, portions were unearthed in 2017 confirming these features remain in original locations. The development of downtown Boulder and the removal of most of the smelting equipment changed the setting. Extant features include remnants of the original industrial complex. Remnants of the original water line pylons remain and retain integrity in workmanship and materials. Although the integrity of feeling is diminished. Location Boyd Smelter/Mill Site remains in its original location and retains integrity in location. Setting Boyd Smelter/Mill Site has diminished integrity of setting due to the development of the surrounding residential and commercial neighborhood. The original smelter/mill was an open site with few trees. Design, Materials, & Workmanship Boyd Smelter/ Mill Site has diminished integrity in design. Extant above-grade features associated with milling and the smelter include remnant features, topography, and an earthen berm remain. Foundations of the smelter building buried during the construction of Canyon Boulevard in the 1960s remain and are largely unchanged since the 1920s. The below-grade features remain in original locations with some being unearthed as recently as 2017. Feeling The integrity of feeling is diminished due to the lack of extant buildings and structures from the period of significance. Extant remnants of contributing features evoke a sense of mill and smelter operations. Association Boyd Smelter/Mill Site has diminished integrity in association with smelting or mining as most above-grade features no longer exist. However, remnants of mining and smelting operations are evident in extant structures and topographical features.


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