Boulder Historic Places Plan

Archeological Features Archeological features associated with smelting and milling operations remain above and below-grade including remnants of the narrow-gauge railroad, dam headwalls, and water line. Building foundations and holding ponds are extant below-grade. • Protect Boyd Smelter/Mill Site's above and below grade archaeological features. • Consider conducting further non-intrusive investigations for archeology and environmental conditions. • Consider employing qualified archaeologist(s) to conduct or oversee archival, surface, and geophysical survey (i.e., ground-penetrating radar) to accurately determine the extent of smelter building and site features. Document findings according to professional archaeological standards. • Conduct further environmental investigations into the extent of contaminated soil to assist with planned projects. ○ Studies conducted by City of Boulder in 1997 indicated the presence of low-level contamination from uranium mill tailings. This study recommended further environmental investigation in the form of soil sampling and radiation surveys prior to any archeological investigations or site disturbance, including any work within the building footprint or any revegetation. • Consider conducting a property survey to accurately locate above-ground features, including building footings, stone water pylons, boulder with iron rings, concrete dam, and vegetation. • Consider extant below-grade and above-grade features when planning new improvements to avoid extant feature. Vegetation Riparian vegetation, mature trees, and tall grasses comprise the site's vegetation. • Preserve mature trees and riparian vegetation along Boulder Creek. ○ Perform pruning and thinning to maintain tree form and health. Replace mature trees when they become hazardous or die with appropriate species. • Consider measures to reveal Boyd Smelter/Mill Site’s historic spaces and topographic features. ○ Consider thinning pockets of dense vegetation and trees to open views to the site, Boulder Creek, and historic structures. • Consider selectively removing vegetation along Boulder Creek's banks to reveal portions of the extant features. • Consider views or spatial patterns when replacing or determining locations for new plantings. Small-Scale Features Small-scale features include the xeriscape garden and boulder with iron rings. Site furnishings include benches, picnic tables, and an interpretive sign. • Protect the boulder with iron rings in-pace as a character-defining feature. • Remove the xeriscape garden and stone pavers. • Allow new small-scale features to accommodate programming, use and health and safety within Boyd Smelter/Mill Site, where appropriate.


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