Boulder Historic Places Plan

Management Data Form

Resource Number : 5BL.7094

Temporary Resource Number : N/A

30. Level of significance : Local 31. Statement of significance: Site 5BL.7094 is recommended not eligible under Criterion A as it retains only diminished integrity of association with the telluride and tungsten mining booms of Boulder County. Additionally, it is not associated with persons significant in history, so it is not eligible under Criterion B. Because it no longer retains most aspects of physical integrity, it is also not eligible under Criterion C. 5BL.7094 needs additional testing at the site to determine presence, location, frequency, and condition of subsurface cultural materials, therefore it needs data to evaluate its eligibility under Criterion D. National State 32. Statement of historic integrity related to significance: Site 5BL.7094 has reduced integrity of location, design, materials and workmanship as the buildings and most of the structures have been removed. The site also has diminished integrity of association with the telluride and tungsten mining booms of Boulder County as only topographic features associated with the smelting and milling operations and some remnant features remain. The site also has reduced integrity of setting and feeling because the surrounding area has been developed into a residential and commercial neighborhood. 33. National Register Eligibility Field Assessment : Eligible Not eligible Need data Linear Segment Evaluation (if applicable): Supporting Non Supporting 34. Status in an Existing National Register Distric t: Contributing Non-contributing 35. State Register Eligibility Field Assessmen t: Eligible Not eligible Need data 36. Status in an Existing State Register District : Contributing Non-contributing 37. National/State Register District Potential : Yes No Describe: The paucity of significant, intact sites related to mining or mineral processing in the vicinity precludes the formation of a historic district. No Describe: The site comprises the majority of the known site associated with historic smelting and milling operations on Boulder Creek and retains sufficient contributing landscape characteristics to be characterized as a cultural landscape. 39. If Yes to either 37 or 38, is this site : Contributing Non-contributing Explain: The site retains sufficient contributing landscape characteristics to contribute to the cultural landscape. V. MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 40. Threats to Resource : Water erosion Wind erosion Grazing Neglect Vandalism Recreation Construction Other (explain): 41. Existing protection None Marked Fenced Patrolled Access controlled Other (specify): 38. Cultural Landscape Potential : Yes

Comments: Most of the site is located within a public park; features on the south bank are surrounded by private property and more difficult to access.

Yes, City of Boulder. Designated August 4, 1998 (Landmark No. 98-2; Ordinance No. 6003)

42. Local landmark designation :

43. Easement :


44. Recorder’s Management Recommendations : PaleoWest recommends additional testing at the site to determine presence, location, frequency, and condition of subsurface cultural materials. We recommend that remaining structural features should be protected with a buffer to prevent impact by future landscaping and/or construction activities, and features located along Boulder Creek should be reinforced against erosion and potential future flood events. In addition, PaleoWest recommends that a property survey should be conducted to determine if the water line footings on the south side of Boulder Creek are on city or private property. If they are on city property, they should be protected with a fence. If they are on private property, the city should attempt to acquire a conservation easement for these structures. Finally, PaleoWest recommends that the city should install additional interpretive signs to place the history of the Boyd Smelter/Mill Site in context with the history of telluride and tungsten mining in Boulder County. VI. DOCUMENTATION 45. Previous actions accomplished at the site : Tested Partial excavation Complete excavation

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