fourth notes. Then there is the little REST insignia. The gifted musician neither omits nor slurs over these various indications given and the REST is important. As in music, so in our lives, for the Lard wants us to give fu ll value to a time of REST with Him , alone. This will mean strength to our daily living. Only Christ can say to your heart today, “Come unto me and I will give you rest.” * * * WE HAVE LOST OUR FOUNDATION As Americans, as well as Christians, we need to be concerned at the fact that our ideals are no longer based upon God’s standards of morality, but rather upon the materialistic philosophies of our time. The FRI reports that we have a criminal army, totaling more than 6,000,000 men and women who are or have been behind prison bars. And who is to blame? The Federal Prison Director says that the following poem was given recently at a meeting of law en forcement officers: “Sing a song of TV for the little ones, Four and twenty jailbirds pack ing tommie guns. When the scene is finished, the blood is ankle deep, Isn’t that a pretty dish to send the kids to sleep!” No wonder there are so many juvenile delinquents. 20
HOW WILL YOU M AK E YOUR DECI SION? The time will come in your life, it may be that it is here now . . . when you will have to make an important decision. Centuries ago, during Moham med’s overthrow of India. H e came to a large Temple in which was an idol the priests begged him to spare. They offered a large sum of money, if he would do this. H e thought for a moment then declared, “I’d rather be remembered as the destroyer of idols than as the seller of them.” The image was dealt a series of heavy blows and to his amazement the idol was hollowpond when brok en a veritable stream of precious stones poured forth, exceeding in value the amount offered him for compromise. How many compromise daily with idols of position, social standing, am bition or any temptation that exalts itself above Christ? Think of the power at your command to with stand—“Thanks be unto God who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” * * * "The world does notneed to turn over a new leaf but rather to dis cover a new life." * * * RHYTHM IC SILENCE. Do you under stand the difference, or rather the value of time, notes, etc., in music? There are whole notes, half notes, quarter notes on down to sixty-
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