blessed nature. It also betokens some aspects of His blessed nature, His own person and work. The various names of God are ob served in the Old Testament. The (translators saw these and they indi cated their difference by the use of capital and small letters in. the print ing of them. Now sometimes one name of deity is printed as God with a capi- "Think On These Things" "Whatsoever things are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report, think on these things." — Philippians 4:8 i dallied with a doubtful thought; "What harm can be" said I, "In merely thinking of a thing And letting it pass by?" But ere I was aware that thought Had entered in my heart, And firmly there ensconced Itself, Refusing to depart. Anon it to a monster grew, it bound me foot and hand, And in the kingdom of my mind Established its command. My will a helpless faptive lay, I— powerless to be freed— But for my, God's delivering grace Had hopeless been indeed! My Lord and Master, Guard, I pray, The portals of my mind; Grant that no soul-defiling shaft May easy entrance find! But let the lovely things and true, The things of good report, Where virtue is, or any praise, Mould my most inward thought! —A. M. Chambers Ital G and two small letters and some times it’s printed with all capital let ters GOD. Now the size of the type being the only difference. These rep resent. two different Hebrew names by which God hath made Himself known and then again we see the word Lord with a capital L and a small o-r-d and the capital L and capital 0 , capital R, capital D. The beauty of these distinctions re- 24
we shall become thoroughly conversant with the names of God. What does the Scripture say? “And they ^that know Thy name will put their trust in Thee . . Now not only is God as good as His Word but God is just as good as His name. This is not true of human names be cause the one bearing a name may live a life wholly contrary to the meaning of the name which he has been given. Toward the end of the first five books of the Old Testament—Moses, predict ed. the plagues that would overcome the people of Israel. If thou wilt not observe to do all the words of this law that are written in this book, that thou mayest fear this glory and fear in name the Lord Thy God. Psalm 96, verse 8: “Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name: and bring an offer ing, and come into his courts .” Psalm 103, verse 1: “Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me, bless His holy name.” It was Solomon who wrote in Prov erbs 18, verse 10: “The name of the Lord is & strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe. A prophet recognizing the value of the divine name said, “Yea in the way of thy judgments 0 Lord have we waited for Thee. The desire of our soul is to Thy name and to the remembrance of Thee.” It was Joel in his prophecy in Joel 2, verse ^2 who added his testi mony relative to the prophet of the divine name, “And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered.” Our Saviour was teaching His own disciples to pray and He impressed upon them the fact that they were to cherish the name of their own heav enly Father and thus He taught, them to say in Matthew 6, verse 9, “Hal lowed be Thy name.” Now anyone of the names of God is a sacred name and is to be regarded as an unfolding of His
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