Elohim or capital G small o-d is that while it is a plural noun, it requires a singular verb. A fine Hebrew scholar has reminded us that there is no rea son whatever to regard Elohim as a plural of majesty. It is contrary to He brew grammar to reason and to com mon sense. It is an ordinary plural noun and its meaning has been ex plained to us by God Himself. This same Hebrew scholar reminds us that it teaches plurality in unity as you have it in Deut. 6, verse 4. “Hear 0 Israel the Lord our God is one Lord.” Now it v/ould not be amiss for us to read it like this, Hear thou O Israel, Jehovah our plural God is one Jeho vah. Both ideas of trinity and unity are conveyed to us in Deut. 6:4. Now this ■ i i f i i i t 1 1 1 1 1 i i i j j n i i l L i III III llll IIIIHIP
A s w e s t u d y the Word of God to gether, The first of these names to which we would call your attention, is the name Elohim. This beautiful Hebrew name is printed in the Old Testament as capital G and a small o-d and it occurs about 2700 times on the pages of the Old Testament. The first occur rence of this word Elohim is in the first verse of the Bible in Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Now we shall examine the verse and you’ll notice that the word God has a capital G but a small o-d, that means that it is really the name Elohim. Now I do not hesi tate to say that I believe it is one of the most important words to be found anywhere on the pages of Holy Writ.
wonderful truth that Christ and the Holy Spirit are included with God in the word Elohim is seen in another por tion of the Bible. Lor example in Genesis 1 and verse 6. “And God said, let us” (and you ought to encircle the word us). Now to whom is God talking when He uses the pronoun us? He’s talking to the Son and he’s talking to the Holy Spirit you see. “Let us make man in our image after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that 26
t stands connected with God’s crea- ive work and it is the name by which Te reveals Himself unto His. own ;reatures as the Creator. It is a great doctrinal word and vherqver it’s used it teaches the glori ous truth of a Triune God. You see there are false cults and religious groups today who cannot stand in the presence of this great name of deity. The fact that men have tried to make something else out of this word than that which God intended it to be is of email moment at this particular time. You see Jesus Christ is God. The strange thing about this proper noun, the noun
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