creepeth on the earth.” Now God is speaking to Himself and by the use of the word us and our He shows that He knew the true triune nature of Himself—hence in the Scripture the plurality of the Godhead is emphasized before us. The next Scripture reads in Genesis 1, verse 27. “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him. The pronouns His and He indicate that God is emphasiz ing the unity of Himself. Now I think you want to understand that. In Gene sis 1:26 He’s emphasizing His trinity and unity together but in Genesis 1:27 He is emphasizing His unity and yet \ there are three Persons in the Godhead. In Dr. Roy’s lexicon we read what Rashi, the great Hebrew commentator, had to say on the word Elohim. He said this, “Come and behold the won derful mystery of the word Elohim for there are three degrees and each degree is distinct and stands by itself and yet they are all one and are formed to gether in one and have not divided nor separated from each other.” If Rashi’s intepretation is correct, then the doctrine of the Trinity is taught on nearly every page of the Old Testament and the further fact that the Godhead consisted of three Persons is equally patterned and taught- in the pages of Holy Writ. Fallen man in his ignorance could not understand how God could die for the sinner and yet not be obliterated as God and so in pity revealed His mode of subsistence as a Trinity in unity. With this disclosure sinful man could understand how God could die for me and yet not cease to be. Elohim what a wonderful word of creation, trinity, and unity it is. Elo him is the name of God. The next revelation that God has given of Himself is through the name Jehovah. This all glorious name ap pears some 7600 times on the pages of Holy Writ. It is known as the great ineffable, incommunicable name of God. To the Jews its utterance was absolutely and exceedingly sacred. They never wrote it upon parchment
because they were afraid that it might fall to the ground and that somebody might walk upon the name of God. In our King James version this word Jeho vah is represented by the word Lord with a capital L and certainly o-r-d and it’s spelled with all of the capitals. Now this is seen in the following Scrip ture. In Genesis 27, verse 33, “And Abraham planted a grove in Beersheba and called there on the name of the Lord and the everlasting God.” You see Jehovah of thè Old Testament is Jesus of the New Testament and it is a name which reveals God in covenant relationship with man. As soon as there was a need among creatures whom He had created, His covenant and redemptive name became connected with God’s creative name indicating that there was salvation for those whom God had created even though they had sinned against their own Creator. Now this name is used with marked distinction in the Scrip ture. For example in Genesis 6 and verse 2 we read this word: “Thus did Noah, according to all that God, (there you have the word Elohim) command ed him, so did he.” And then immedi ately following in Genesis 7 and verse 1 we read: “And the Lord (and here it’s the word Jehovah) said 'unto Noah, come thou and all thy house into the ark, for thee have I seen righteous before me in this -generation.” Now when the preservation of crea tion is in view God uses his name Elo him but when salvation and protection from the flood judgment is in view He calls Himself by the name of Jehovah. It shows up again in another Scripture in Genesis 7 and verse 16, “And they that went into the ark went in male and female of all flesh as God (Elohim) had commanded him and the Lord Jehovah shut him in. You see there’s a difference between the two names, one has to do with creation and the other one has to do with salvation, You and I knew Elohim when we were created and brought into human exist ence. We knew Jehovah when Jesus
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