of the most high El Elyon God come forth, and come hither.” Later on Neb uchadnezzar said Dan. 4:2: “I thought it good to shew the signs and wonders that the high God (that is El Elyon) hath .wrought toward me.” Now he did not know of course Nebuchadnezzar’s God as redeemer. The name Jehovah was utterly strange unto him but he could comprehend and he could under stand God as being over all the sover eign God, the name El Elyon. Another beautiful name of the Lord is the word Adonai. This name reveals God as Lord and Master and the one to be obeyed. When the Lord is used of men it is used with small letters but when it’s applied to God it is printed with a capital L and it is seen on the page as a capital L small o, small r, and small d in your King James ver sion. In Psalm chapter 8 and verse 1 we see a remarkable illustration of the use of this wonderful term. “O Lord” that is Jehovah our Lord. Adonai “how excellent is thy name in all the earth who has set thy glory above the heav ens.” Now this is the same as saying 0 Jesus our Master. The One who is entered into cove nant relationship with fallen man in providing a blood redemption is the One who is worthy to be Lord and Master of men. His least command should merit our immediate obedience and Moses said unto the Lord, in Exo dus 4, verse 10, Lord and that’s the word Jehovah, 0 my Lord, and used the word Adonai I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant, but I am slow of speech and I am of a slow tongue. You see that mighty prophet of old rec ognizes Jehovah as his Master and then he began to make excuse. His Master immediately responded by reminding Moses of his covenant with Him and of His faithfulness in keeping His word. And you recall in Exodus 4, verse 11: “And the Lord ( there it is the word Jehovah) said unto Moses, who
went to the cross and gave Himself a ransom for many and I’m grateful that both of these names are on the pages of Holy Writ that you and I have not only been created in the image of God but we have also been redeemed by His purpose and by His will and the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ who is the Jehovah of the Old Testa ment and the Jesus of the New Testa ment. We come again to another great name of God on the pages of the Old Testament scripture and this time we come to the name El Elyon and when God uses this name concerning Him self He is impressing His own people with the truth that He is the most high God of heaven. In Genesis 14 and verse 22 we read, “And Abram said to the king of Sodom, I have lifted up mine hand unto the Lord the most high God.” Capital G, small o and small d. Now this is the word El—not only is God’s name Elohim which is His crea tive name, nor is it only Jehovah which is His name of salvation but now it’s the word El Elyon and this is the word of truth. This name indicated that our God exercises authority in all heavenly and earthly realms of the universe. In a sense it is an advance upon the name Elohim in that it emphasizes the supremacy and the sovereignty of God. You remember Psalm 83, verse 18, “that men may know that thou, whose name alone is 'Jehovah art the most high El Elyon over all the earth.” The first occurrence of this wonderful title in the Old Testament indicates that it is a name signifying to be high and lofty and uppermost over all and thou, child, we read in Luke 1, verse 76, “shalt be called the prophet of the Highest: (El Elyon) for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways.” This is the name of God which a heathen king understood in Daniel chapter 3, verse 26, “Then Nebuchadnezzar came near to the mouth of the burning fiery furnace and he spake and said, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, ye servants
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