the Lord to keep you safe and you close your eyes, you’re in for a great deal of trouble because that's not faith that's presumption. The Lord has given us cer tain faculties and He expects us to use these faculties, then h e . does that which is necessary to complete any particular work in our hearts. You can pray in any position you want to and the Lord will hear you as long as your heart is right before Him. ¿m . Q. In some general correspondence re ceived, the question was raised, “How can a Jew who has accepted Christ be called a ‘Hebrew Christian’ — isn’t that a misnomer — how can he be a Hebrew and a Christian?” A. Hebrew there is a national designa tion. Therefore, just as we say Ameri can Christians, French Christians, Ger man Christians •— so we say Hebrew Christians. They are Jewish people who believe in their Messiah and there are literally thousands of them. Q . Burbank, Calif. The friend would like to know. “Why is it so easy to do what is wrong and so hard to do what is right?” A. Now why is it so easy to do what’s wrong? Paul speaks of that in Romans 7 when he says what he didn’t want to do, he always did and what he was to do in the way of right, he couldn’t do and that of course was when he was saved. I believe in an early condition of his saved experience. Why is it that it’s easier to do what’s wrong? Well, Jeremiah 17:9 will give us the answer, “The heart of man is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.” But why? Because Adam fell. Adam was created perfect. Eve was perfect with him but Adam disobeyed God and whether some of our liberal friends want to admit it or not, man is from that hour on in a fallen condition. He’s at enmity with God. He’s in an abnormal state. He’s in a state of re bellion against God and there is an
inclination of the whole world away from God. Q . Wenatchee, Wash. The listener would like to ask: “Who lives through the m illennium here on earth, the wicked or the redeem ed?” A. As a matter of fact there will be only those going into the millennium who are righteous, those who know the Lord, because the Scripture in dicates that our Lord Jesus will cast out all that do iniquity and do offend. The millennium means 1,000 years of life on earth. There will be procreation and saved people, just as they do today, will give birth to unsaved descendents, children. That’s clear from Isaiah 65th chapter and the 20th verse where we read about a sinner being 100 years old and he’s going to be accursed. That there will be wicked coming out of the millennium, although there were no wicked going into it, is clear from Revelation the 20th chapter where we read, that after the 1,000 year reign of our Lord Jesus, Satan is able to rally quite a crowd. They are called Gog and Magog, words that mean in the original, multitude and masses, hordes of people. We find enough peo ple there to come and encompass the beloved city but there is no joining of a battle there. Fire comes down from heaven and consumes him and his fol lowers so the question: “who lives through the millennium here on earth, the wicked or the redeemed?” Both. Only the redeemed go into it but the redeemed will have children. Now when I say redeemed let me make a differentiation there. We are the redeemed too. We will be in the millennium. You see we’ve gone through a resurrection. There will also be redeemed who have gone right from earth without a resurrection. They are the ones who will go on living on the renovated earth, regenerated earth and will have descendents. Their descen dents will not be bom saved and there fore wicked will come out of the mil lennium. 31
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