Special Radio Messages / \ b y Al ScnulefQ
GOD’S PLAN for the W O R L D
T h r e e a n d a h a l f months before Nikita Khrushchev visited the Unit ed States, he made this declaration, “We cannot expect the Americans to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans .small doses of Socialism, until they suddenly awake to find that they have Communism.” What Mr. Khrushchev has complete ly overlooked, with, this statement and others such as “We will bury you”, is the fact that God has a particular timetable which will affect both Com munism and the nation of Russia. In all the letters received in recent days, we have had scores asking, “What will be the final outcome?”, “Where do we go from here?”, “What hope is there for America?” And Chris tians are rightly asking, “Does the Bi ble have anything to say about events which are transpiring right now?” The answer to this last question is a very
emphatic, “YES!” See what God says. There have been three approaches made to the growing threat of Com munism. One of them must be taken by those who love their Bible, and love the God and Saviour the Word pro claims. Some have said, “The Communist menace has grown so overwhelmingly that there is no th ing we can do. We must merely wait our turn; all is lost.” Such a defeatist attitude, even in the light of the spread of Communism throughout Europe, then Asia, and now the Americas, would be more than cause for alarm. But, God is still on the throne. It is true that with the moral decay and disintegration of our social standards, America has gone far from the God of its forefathers, and yet, the Lord still has a thrilling plan to unfold. There is cause for alarm, but not for defeat. Then, there are some, and unfor- 32
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